Having a strong and thick back helps lift bigger weights and commands respect. When building a bigger back, some exercises may help you achieve your goals better than others.
Many of these exercises can be brutal and will push you to the limit — and that’s okay. Some exercises are easier to...
The best mobility drills are ones that work to the point of never having to do them ever again, and that comes with mastery of movement and hitting the "save button" by adding it to your movement library. So what comes after that? An active stability component to the new range of motion or...
Sometimes, pain can be your friend.
Pain can be a helpful reminder when you are moving, letting you know when you are overexerting a muscle, putting too much stress on a joint, or placing too much load on a tendon or ligament.
Other times, pain can be more than just a warning to back off on a...
By Aadam | September 8, 2023
This post is taken from the Vitamin. Every Thursday, I drop some knowledge bombs on your face to help you reach your goals faster while avoiding all the bullshit.
When you think of resistance training, the word ‘flexibility’ likely doesn’t come to mind. But what if...
There is a common mistake that often happens to smart people — in many cases, without you ever realizing it.
The mistake has to do with the difference between being in motion and taking action. They sound similar, but they’re not the same.
Here’s the deal…
Motion vs. Action
When you’re in...
Let's face it, if I gave you the choice of either growing bigger muscles, or getting bigger and stronger, you'd choose the latter. Lucky for you, an essential component of getting bigger muscles is getting stronger. This is a universal law of training no matter what type of program you follow...
Make Your Shoulders Bulletproof
Fix Your Shoulders With Pulling Exercises
Whether your goal is to build a jacked upper body or crush a bench PR 23, you have to push some serious weight to accomplish it. And if you’ve been training hard for years, your shoulders are probably feeling those heavy...
There is a good probability that you will have tight lats if you are a calisthenics athlete because of all of the pullups and push ups that you practice. When it comes to stretching the latissimus dorsi, it is recommended that a variety of different methods be employed.
To begin, we will...
Must all exercises be performed with a full range of motion to build muscle? Jason Ferruggia says no. Find out how partial reps can help increase your workout results.
One of the most popular, faulty and dangerous myths espoused in nearly every muscle building program is that you must use a full...
Back in the 1800s, strongmen used a partial range of motion (ROM) exercises to impress the crowds with their feats of strength. Those old-school, strongman show-offs knew they could lift more weight, but the enthusiastic crowds didn’t know. Then partial range of motion exercises became all the...
You need to feel it.
Guys get wrapped up in these half-assed rows and shrugs, and if there is any body part where people use momentum more than muscle power, it's back!
Let's first talk about the mistakes that are the most common. Then we will shed some light on good back techniques that are...
When building a bigger back, it makes no difference what your ultimate goal is—your back should have the strength and density to both show and go. This means you have to devote some special attention to training this massive body part.
If your back looms as the weakest part of your game, you...
Brandon Ramos
Danielle Vaji played softball at the University of Illinois, so she’s always been an athlete. But it takes a different kind of athleticism to hoist a 170-pound keg over your head or throw a 55-pound salmon for distance. Such were the challenges at the Strongest Woman in the World...