
  1. EG News

    Use The Priming Training Method To Maximize Performance

    When it comes to maximizing your performance in the gym, there’s a strategy that can take your training to the next level: priming. Priming involves super setting activation drills and explosive movements before your main lifts, tapping into the powerful concept of Post-Activation Potentiation...
  2. EG News

    Your Role in the Healing Process: From Force to Movement

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness Key to understanding your role in promoting healing is learning how your body is naturally designed to regenerate and heal itself. Did you know that in 49 days, your body will make all new red tissue (muscles) and in 210 days, it will make all new...
  3. EG News

    The Physiology of the Healing Process: Blood Flow and Inflammation

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness The Importance of Blood Flow in Healing In the simplest terms, healing happens when increased blood flow circulates throughout the body (especially when directed to the injured tissue/area). Blood brings healing nutrients to the site of injury and...
  4. EG News

    Getting Technical: Tying Fitness Goals to Conditioning Approaches & Metrics

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness In this 3-part series, we have reviewed: Part 1: The Essentials of Good Conditioning In Part 2, we discuss how to tie fitness goals to your conditioning strategy… Most fitness goals fall into two main categories (1) improved musculoskeletal system...
  5. EG News

    Contrast Set Training: The Hidden Key to Muscle Growth

    What many people don’t realize about hypertrophy is that it’s basically isolated conditioning, supplemented by higher caloric intake to make muscles grow. In most movements in the gym, muscles often benefit from increasing work capacity and overall cumulative volume, to ultimately fully fatigue...
  6. EG News

    Stability Ball Stir the Pot Exercise: How To, Benefits, Form Fixes

    When you browse the internet for core exercises, you’ll witness many weird, fantastic, and out-of-this-world exercises to strengthen your core. Lost in all of this is the proper function and reason you should isolate your core in the first place. It is to resist movement so the other bigger...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Not the King of Exercises – Bench Press

    Do You Even Need to Bench? Is the bench press right for you? Maybe. But maybe not. Here's what you need to know. In part one 17, I explained how the term “king of lifts” is defined as an exercise that’s not only superior to all other alternatives but also the best exercise for everyone. It means...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    The Modified Hatfield Split

    This variation of the push-pull workout split works for just about any training goal. Check it out. I first learned of this split when I was 18 and did Fred Hatfield’s 80-day powerlifting cycle. In that program – specifically designed to peak for a powerlifting competition – you’d train squat...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    How to Lift Forever: 6 Bulletproofing Exercises

    Fix Your Scapular Movement and Hip Flexion Constantly injured? Here's why and what to do to lift better and get bigger. For lifters, the most common injuries arise from poor movement at two key junctions of the body. For the upper body, it's poor scapular movement while pressing and pulling...
  10. EG News

    5 Kettlebell Training Exercises Everyone Should Have in Their Workouts

    Kettlebell training dates all the way back to 18th century Russia, however it still feels like yesterday that you’d be fortunate enough to find a decent set of bells at your neighborhood fitness club. That’s starting to change as kettlebells continue to increase in popularity among mainstream...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Bigger Triceps, Better Bench

    A BIGGER MUSCLE IS A STRONGER MUSCLE. THESE THREE TRICEPS MASS-BUILDERS CAN HELP YOU ADD MORE WEIGHT TO YOUR BENCH PRESS. Most big benchers have one thing in common: They look like big benchers. Guys like Kirill Sarychev and Eric Spoto have barrel chests and bowling-ball shoulders, but they also...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Common terms and abbreviations..

    Ive decided to post it because a number of times i see people asking what an abbreviation means. And maybe you guys could add all the abbreviations you know... 17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Abduction = moving a limb away from the midline of the body. An example is...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    The 10 Best Lower Back Exercises for Muscle & Strength

    by Andreas Abelsson Your lower back takes center stage in almost everything you do. Think of it as the command center for power and movement. From running to jumping, lifting to twisting, a strong lower back helps you perform these actions safely and with as much power as possible. This article...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    10 Steps To The Perfect Hip Thrust

    By Bret Contreras The hip thrust is likely the most rapidly rising exercise in terms of popularity in strength & conditioning. It is performed by physique athletes, strength athletes, and sport athletes alike. Hip thrusts can be performed with bodyweight, barbell, or resistance band loading...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    How to Increase Your Chin-Ups

    So you wanna get more chin-ups, eh? Please allow me to assist you in achieving this feat. There are many ways to go about it, so rather than just naming my favorite method, I’m going to cover a variety of the most popular methods and techniques used by lifters and coaches to increase your...
  16. 01dragonslayer


    Let's look at the three types of core strength: Isometric: Holding a certain position for time with tension. Anti-Rotational: Being able to resist an external force trying to pull you out of position. Rotational/Moving: Being able to maintain controlled bracing with movement. Failure to...
  17. 01dragonslayer


    When it comes to pain-free shoulder stability when bench pressing, sometimes locking into a range of motion and position can be challenging. But using the right tools can fix this problem. There's a reason many smart sports rehab pros are gravitating toward kettlebells for movement remediation...
  18. 01dragonslayer


    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... The guys with the greatest pulls in history pull from a dead stop, not by trying to reach peak velocity before the bar collars smash into the plates. Starting off any pull with a sharp jerking movement doesn't help you lift more weight and can injure you. A...
  19. 01dragonslayer


    The reverse lunge involves a simple reverse step instead of the traditional forward step. Due to the change in torso angle, the reverse lunge creates more activation at the proximal hamstring and gluteal group and less compressive stress over the front side of the knees. These are all good...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Arm Workouts for Strength-Focused Lifters

    4 Effective Supersets Some believe direct arm training doesn’t add pounds to your big compound lifts. Those people are wrong. Completely neglecting direct biceps and triceps work will hold back your big lifts. But many lifters are confused about when and how to add direct arm training into a...