
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Building The Perfect Fat Burning Circuit

    One of the main purposes of researching and reading all about training and nutrition is to one day become equipped with the knowledge to go out on your own, experiment and be your own architect. To build your own programs and put them through your own trials to fit your personal needs is a...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    5 Brutal Chest Workout Finishers To Destroy Your Chest

    You’re spent after a brutal chest workout, but you still want to take it to the next level. You’ve got it in you to squeeze out those last few untouched muscle fibers – you know the ones – those that will take your chest development to new heights and finally unlock your real potential. If...
  3. EG News

    These 8 Accessory Exercises Should Be Included in Your Training Program Now

    No matter if you’re looking to set a new PR, run a faster 5K time, or to get ready for football season, gaining strength through accessory exercises is a vital component to improving performance. Hitting the weights, will not only help you gain strength, it also helps both build muscle and shed...
  4. EG News

    The 15 Most Important Exercises For Men

    Every guy who’s into fitness has some methodology, piece of equipment, or program they like over anything else. Some like to circuit train every day, some follow bodybuilding protocols, and still others participate in any number of fitness trends and fads. There’s no “wrong” or “right” way to...
  5. EG News

    Train the Olympia Way: Abs

    While most bodybuilding fans pay attention to the arms, back, or legs, it’s the abs that truly make a competitor’s physique look like a work of art. A well-defined six-pack and a tight waist make the rest of the body appear larger and give it a more appealing look. And it’s not just for the...
  6. A

    The Four-Move, 20-Minute Pullup Bar Workout Routine

    In the age of Covid-19, most of us are learning how to get by with a limited amount of gym equipment — some may just have a pair of dumbbells, a single kettlebell, or some random resistance bands. Still others may be stuck with a pull-up bar, or the jungle gym bars at the local playground...
  7. EG News

    The ultimate push and pull workouts for mass and strength

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Per Bernal / M+F Magazine If you’ve spent the past few years following the...
  8. EG News

    The 3-round body-weight circuit for strength and size

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Edgar Artiga / M+F Magazine What is it: A full-body workout...
  9. GRIM

    top 10 bodybuilding moves

    ​​The Top 10 Old School Bodybuilding Moves For New Gains | Men’s Health
  10. TSizemore

    44 Of the Best BodyWeight Moves

    Watch the whole thing....the good moves are at the end. They're all body weight moves
  11. LBM200

    this kicks ass