
  1. EG News

    MoveU Form & Fixes: Decompress Your QL Mess With This Lower-Back Stretch

    “I’ve got a monster of a lower-back stretch for you,” says Dr. Mike Wasilisin, founder of MOVEU. “It is stretching your quadratus lumborum.” What is a quadratus lumborum, you ask? You probably know it as your QL, or the deepest of all the back muscles. Located on both sides of your spine, it...
  2. EG News

    ‘MOVEU and Fitness’: For Better Spinal Alignment, Try and ‘Whack Your Crack’

    Teaching people how to move and train safely or in other words, “Fix Yo S#!t,” is the driving desire behind Dr. Mike Wasilisin, the face and brains behind social media PT giants MoveU. Eliminating unnecessary injuries by sand the subsequent need for pills and insurance claims. Wherever a more...