
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Last Set Mayhem

    There are volume proponents and intensity proponents in the strength world. The Volume proponents argue that doing multiple sets is the optimal way to train, while the intensity guys insist that one set taken to the limit is more than enough. The fact is, both philosophies will build muscle and...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    One of the longest running arguments in the history of weight training has to be between those who favour single sets (HIT) and those who advocate multiple sets per exercise. Traditionally the HIT school say that by training a set to failure you end up stimulating all the muscle fibres and once...
  3. E

    Fasting-mimicking diet may help decrease multiple sclerosis symptoms

    Fasting-mimicking diet may help decrease multiple sclerosis symptoms Evidence is mounting that a diet mimicking the effects of fasting has health benefits beyond weight loss, with a new USC-led study indicating that it may reduce symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Source: Fasting-mimicking diet...
  4. E

    Two existing drugs may potentially become new drug target for multiple sclerosis

    Two existing drugs may potentially become new drug target for multiple sclerosis Two drugs already on the market -- an antifungal and a steroid -- may potentially take on new roles as treatments for multiple sclerosis. According to a study published in Nature today, researchers discovered that...
  5. E

    Multiple factors influence survival of extremely premature infants

    Multiple factors influence survival of extremely premature infants Multiple factors influence how well a severely premature infant (23 weeks gestation) will do after birth and over the long-term, according to researchers at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. These findings...