
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Mental toughness has a high neurological component that's part genetic. There's also a psychological aspect that comes from experience and that can be improved, but the neurological aspect still prevails. THE DOPAMINE FACTOR People who are naturally more sensitive to dopamine will have more...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How Do Multivitamins Work? Everything You Need to Know about Vitamins

    Multivitamins and multiminerals are the most popular dietary supplements by a sizable margin. A seemingly infinite number of vitamin supplements are on the market, most of which claim to deliver crucial micronutrients essential for a long and healthy life. It’s undeniable that we need plenty...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    How Big Can You Get Naturally?

    A lot of guys want to know how big someone could get naturally, that is without taking steroids OR pro hormones! Before I talk about how big you can naturally get, I’m going to talk about the size of MOST GUYS who use steroids. This will give you a more realistic reference point. I have been...
  4. Iron-Game

    Adding muscle fibers with igf-1: hyperplasia

    IGF-1: Your key to Muscle Cell Hyperplasia By George Spellwin IGF-1 stands for insulin-like growth factor, it’s a research polypeptide hormone that is similar in structure to insulin and has tremendous anabolic effects in adults. IGF-1 is naturally found in the body and peaks during...