
  1. 01dragonslayer


    The act as aspirating was traditionally performed as safety measure to prevent one from accidentally injecting directly into a blood vessel. In order to perform this simple procedure, one must have fully inserted the needle into the injection site. Once the needle has been fully inserted, but...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Insulin Needles & BackLoading

    While performing a sub-q inject with a dull 39-30 g. insulin syringe is not going to be as unpleasant as performing an I.M. injection with a dull 23 g. syringe, the user can still take steps to ensure that ever injection is performed with a fresh, sharp needle. Due to insulin syringes being so...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Injection Methods

    Injection Methods Intramuscular injection: An injection into muscle tissue. Subcutaneous injection: An injection into the region between the skin and the muscle, also known as a “SubQ” injection. AS far as performance enhancement is concerned, there are two primary injection methods. These are...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Safe Injecting Technique

    Safe Injecting Technique Single Vial Use A Draw Needle: Without one, you will dull your pin needle to the point that it'll be very painful and potentially give a pip. Note: If your syringes come with the needles already attached, order the drawing needle to come on them. Otherwise, you'll have...
  5. puff88


    I find that different oils from different labs have different amounts of leakage post injection. Not sure of it is that some labs oil is thicker or thinner than others, but once I pull the needle out of the muscle, sometimes it is spotless, and sometimes if I watch it for a few seconds I'll...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    A Beginners Guide to HGH

    The introduction of HGH into bodybuilding and pretty much all competitive sports has been a game changer. The positive effects it has on athletic performance, anti-aging and all around better well-being is nothing short of amazing. I want to take a moment this month to review some of the basics...
  7. puff88

    How to tell if you pinned correctly

    The question is in regard to glutes specifically. I am new to this, and have already found that I don't really like pinning in my glutes. I prefer delts much better because they are easy to reach and very visible. My question is, how will you know if you pinned in the correct section of the...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    List of common Abbreviations

    Thought this may be a little helpful for the newbs.... AS = Anabolic Steroids AR = Androgen Receptor BB = Body Builder or Body Building BRO = People on this board who help each other out by exchanging knowledge CLEN = Clenbuterol CNS = Central Nervous System CYP = Testosterone Cypionate DART...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Injection FAQ's for newbies

    Posted by Fayde at Intense Training syringe/needle/injection FAQ for newbies For many of you, this is common knowledge, but I'm sure that some of you still have a few questions about this subject. If you are new to steroids, this FAQ should answer your injection questions. We will start from...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Steroid Injections Info

    Steroid Injections Information When people are considering doing their first cycle, proper steroid injection technique is usually the last thing they consider. Usually, people have a goal, and then research various drugs and cycles which they think will help them achieve that goal. Usually it?s...
  11. A

    Needle choices

    I have a question to ask and I know it varies. What do you guys recommend in needle size when drawing than what needle to inject. I'll be starting TRT soon Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  12. Tyson13

    Test prop and b12

    I was wanting to get people opinions on mixing test prop and B12. (I know one oil based and one is water based.) My doctor has prescribed B12 and I am pinning EOD. I would like to mix them so I don't have to pin anymore than I am. Thanks for your help!
  13. GRIM

    UK Epidemic?

    UK facing steroids epidemic as needle exchanges say up to a MILLION are abusing gym drugs - Mirror Online The pressure on men to have pumped-up muscles and rippling six packs has led to an eight-fold rise in the number of people injecting steroids in five years. New data from needle exchanges...
  14. GRIM

    Gym Junkies GYM junkies abusing steroids are now flooding needle exchange centres as the harmful body building drugs become the latest epidemic to grip Sydney’s west. New...
  15. pt2005

    Homebrewing - Sterilization vs Biodegration

    Okay, so I have been working on two BASIC homebrews, Test Prop and Enth. prop 100mls @ 100mg/ml enth 100mls @ 250mg/ml 37.5ml EO (subbed GSO for both carriers) 33.25ml EO (again, subbed GSO for EO) 37ml GSO...
  16. tunaman7

    A weird-ass sensation?

    Brother and Sisters I did my usual stick yesterday (Monday / Thursday) and got a very strange reaction as soon as the plunger went down. In the syringe i had a mixture of Test E @ 100mg ... Test C @ 100mg ... TNE @ 50mg .. Tren Base @ 25mg. I stuck my left quad and plunged. As soon as the...
  17. flyingfox

    Sin pins

    What's the longest needle they make for a slin pin say 27-30 gauge? I cannot find any longer than 5/8" If they are made could you point me in the right direction....thanks.