
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Getting Enough Magnesium?

    by Lauren Del Turco, CPT There are certain vitamins and minerals that seem to get lots of buzz. Go outside and get your vitamin D! Drink your milk for the calcium! Load up on oranges for vitamin C! But what about the other natural goodies that keep your body and mind in tip-top shape? It’s time...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Bulking VS. Cutting: Get Familiar with the Basics.

    Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know about bulking and cutting: the process of strategic weight gain and loss for big returns. First, the basics. Bulking means intentionally eating more calories than you burn, with the goal of putting on mass, particularly muscle mass. Cutting (also...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Need A Better Multivitamin (Now!)

    Not all multivitamin products are the same. Dosages are often formulated for non-athletes, and the bioavailability of contained micronutrients is typically extremely low. Athletes and hard-training fitness fanatics are not like sedentary persons. Our needs for both macro and micro-nutrients are...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Need A Better Multivitamin (Now!)

    Not all multivitamin products are the same. Dosages are often formulated for non-athletes, and the bioavailability of contained micronutrients is typically extremely low. Athletes and hard-training fitness fanatics are not like sedentary persons. Our needs for both macro and micro-nutrients are...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    5 Signs You Need to Eat More Carbs

    Today’s diet trends, particularly keto, have led to skepticism about carbs — and cutting back on everything from bread to bananas. But is swapping your morning oatmeal and afternoon apple for eggs and avocado really the best way to support your overall health and maintain a healthy weight? The...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    8 Easy Hydration Tweaks For Weight Loss

    It’s not just your food intake that helps you reach a healthy weight — but your sipping habits, too. “We can’t address weight without addressing health, and part of that puzzle is hydration,” says Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, lead bariatric nutrition coordinator and dietitian for the Brigham and...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    8 Reasons You’re Hungry All the Time

    It can be easy to view hunger as a bad thing — and while it’s certainly an inconvenient feeling — it’s as innate as the need to yawn or go to the bathroom. In fact, hunger is a crucial biological signal. To understand this, a refresher of the autonomic nervous system is helpful. The autonomic...
  8. J

    igf-1 recon and admin help??

    I have a good friend that has some igf and insists to run it and needs help but I know nothing about it.I have run hgh.peps etc but from what im seeing this is a little different..What Is a good mcg for start??How many days a week??When to pin?What is used to reconstitute and what is amount used...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Albuquerque PD Issue Felony Warrant for Jon Jones’ Arrest

    Albuquerque PD Issue Felony Warrant for Jon Jones’ Arrest [UPDATE] Ew boy. Albuquerque PD just released their official police report on this incident and it is not looking good for Bones. Details after the jump. To loosely quote Dave Chappelle, “Man, Jon Jones is f*ckin up.” Rumors started...
  10. tbonexl

    Girl trouble

    I've been with this girl for a couple years. It was kinda crazy how fast things went. We work together kinda. She drives truck for the construction outfit I work for. We kinda fell for eachothers right off the get. She was engaged at the time so I didn't push it. She ended up breaking it off...