
  1. 01dragonslayer


    ften, the technique will add a rep to an arm set or prevent a loss of a rep or two as the workout progresses. The Trick? Nerve Transmission It has to do with nerve transmission. If you improve nerve transmission, you can increase your strength. It makes perfect sense because, anatomically...
  2. GRIM

    Pinched Nerve

    Totally messed up my back. Dr thinks its a pinched nerve, so bad I cant even sit. Walking very limited, screaming in pain. Any suggestions? Im heating, voltaron, icing, resting, muscle relaxers, pain killers, Dr also prescribed steroids Bought a back brace no relief
  3. pooh6369

    Well time for surgery

    Late 2019 doing a heavy pull my c6 compressed on my c7. Causing radial nerve damage, tricep atrophied loss most of my strength and size on that arm. After doing rehabilitation and going to chiropractor sessions to decompress c6-c7. Nothing worked work outs are depressing losing motivation...
  4. puff88

    How to tell if you pinned correctly

    The question is in regard to glutes specifically. I am new to this, and have already found that I don't really like pinning in my glutes. I prefer delts much better because they are easy to reach and very visible. My question is, how will you know if you pinned in the correct section of the...
  5. Bama

    Gonna rest and pct

    How is everyone? I am having to call off the cycle I was on although it was coming to end in a month or so, got to stop early. I had MRI and also a nerve test done on my right arm that has been killing me here lately and come to find I have a bad case of carpel tunnel syndrone WTF!!! The nerve...
  6. D

    Update on my arm problem

    Well as you know I have been having real bad numbness in my hands for about 2 months now, thought it was a pinched nerve and it would work its way out but never did, went got a massage and that didn't help, figured it was the HGH so I cut that back to a real low dose and although the problems...
  7. J

    quad injections

    Sent from my LG-MS770 So i needed some more sites to hit. At first I was thinking I would be fine rotating eod injections between just glutes and delts... the sites sure recovered quickly when they were getting plain oil. Now im pinning from 2 to 3ccs eod of prop/test e 300/eq, and it...
  8. D

    Pinched Nerve anyone?

    Any of you guys ever get a pinched nerve? I got one mid november in my upper back and am still super weak in my left tricep, its killin me on chest and shoulders, like i have 1/4 stregnth of my right arm in my left. Been going to a sports injury specialist chiropractor, but that hasnt helped...