
  1. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, cdb_76

    Hi cdb_76, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  2. ElChango

    new fetish

    lol [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. LittleTom

    New Here

    Hi everyone. This is my first attempt at a post and I hope its in the right spot. New here and would just like to say hi .

    New here

    Hello EG, I'm new to this site but come from another. So far everything looks good. I'm 37yrs. 5'7 205 and 11%bf.
  5. GoPro

    New guy here, but know a lot of good people here!!!

    HEy everyone!!!! As some of you already know i am GoPro. Coming over from another board. Got invited by a couple really good peeps from this board. I am a good ole country boy. Born and raised on the farm. I joined the military and was dis-charged because of medical conditions 7 years later. I...
  6. Junky87

    New to EG

    Hello EG, My buddy JM750 brought me over here. I know him from another board. Im happy to be here! A little about me: Age: 26 Height: 5'7" Weight: 195lbs BF: 14%. 2 1/2 years ago I was 260lbs. I decided to get my ass in gear and dropped 100lbs in 4.5 month...i had to train 7 days a week and...
  7. D

    New member

    I'm a new member and stocked to be here.
  8. M

    New here

    Hey folks. I'm new here, well sort of, I used to be a member here but haven't been back in a couple years. I am loving all of the changes. You never realize how unsafe the boards you've been visiting are.... then you come here and now I will be peeking out of my curtains all night. LOL The board...


  10. krustus

    new guy here

    krustus here... over 40 dude on trt seeking knowledge on bettering my quality of life. thanks for having me!!!
  11. Too Small

    New here...

    Hello all. New here, but not the boards. I see some familiar names..LBM, Thick1, TSizemore...these are my boys!!!! Looking forward to participating...
  12. pulooooooo

    new to eg..

    Nice looking board...i see some great members..glad to be here..
  13. B

    new to e.g. glad to be here

    hey guys just a bit about me, I'm a mod on bop, was on ij, still on s-f and a few others but not as heavily as bop. i'm 6' tall, 245lbs, 14-15%bf trying to drop down. 24 yrs old. been using juice for 3 years and have used most all the usual stuff other than deca, dbol, and drol. i.e. I've used...
  14. S

    new to the site

    whats up brothers! new to the site not the game. came over by the recommendation of a few trusted people after the shutdown of IJ. some of you may know me some may not. looking forward to possibly having a new home and meeting some new guys. glad to see some familiar faces already in here though!
  15. C

    new to EC

    Hey guys I've been new to forums until a few months ago. I've been working out on and off for 15yrs. I'm looking forward to gaining some more knowledge and sharing some of mine. I look forward to getting to know you
  16. massdig


    Hey guys checking in.