
  1. Dago

    Deer meat

  2. Eman

    Sunrise Sustanon Results

    Sustanon 250 250mg/ml
  3. kingofthenorth907

    Winter blows

    Hopefully the rest of you live in nice, warm places unlike me. 2019 was the hottest year in Alaska’s history, but now we are on the longest/coldest streak in Anchorage’s history! Tomorrow is supposed to finally warm a high of -2 and a low of -9. Fucking stupid. Global warming isn’t...
  4. flyingfox

    30 days in

    Here is a pic of my reflection off my truck lol, I thought it looked kinda cool. I did not touch a weight for nearly two years, after 30 days I would say I have about 1/2 of my size when I stopped. The cycle is real simple, 400mg test cyp per week and 20mg tbol daily (just bumped it to 30 mg)...
  5. krustus

    mrs. krustus ...making the 4th weekend

    you guys know i'm making my way back from a torn pec injury... so i've been down a little... but mrs krustus always makes me SEE things in a better [attachment deleted by admin]
  6. J

    Deca, EQ or both

    Hey guys looking for feedback from anyone that has run Deca and EQ together. Going to use sus and thinking of using Deca or EQ or both. Please chime in mg taken per week and results.
  7. Hanzo

    WTF - April fools edition
  8. Paulrockr

    Paulrockr one year ago

    I've always just sat back and watched everyone's progress and figured wth it my turn..... first pic is at 135 lbs..... roughly a year later, give or take a mnth or 2... at 175 [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. krustus

    krustus shoulder pics

    my wife snap this during my workout... not bad for 45 and i'm just starting my new blast cycle.. can't wait to see how it turns out. would like to be ripped this summer [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. stonetag

    Got arms?

    Fucking Barbarian, as my wife calls me. I resemble that remark!lol [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. TSizemore

    TSize, RockShawn, JuicyJay.....contest Prep

    Don't give me any Shit Juicy......Post you pics!!! :P Rock's making me post mine :-X This is me T-12 weeks out from show. Not sure where I'll be coming in at, hopefully as heavy as possible. Right now, I've cut down to 177lbs. I just added Tren A in (week 12, 100mg eod) on top of Prop...
  12. krustus

    mrs krustus got some new panties

    i think they look [attachment deleted by admin]