
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein You REALLY Need

    "HOW MUCH PROTEIN DO I NEED?" The RDA guideline for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day. So if you weigh 190 pounds (86 kilograms) you'd need about 69 grams of protein. That's fine for inactive couch potatoes, but is that enough for athletes, bodybuilders, and lifters? No. In...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The myth of 1 g/lb: Optimal protein intake for bodybuilders

    Protein. It’s every bodybuilder’s favorite macronutrient and for good reason. Protein is extremely essential, super satiating and amazingly anabolic. Protein is awesome… but you’re consuming too much of it. Like most myths, the belief that you should take in 1g/lb of body weight has become so...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW... Lawsuits are flying over mislabeled protein powders. Several supplement companies have been named in class action lawsuits for faulty labeling. Companies use "nitrogen spiking" to cut costs. When inexpensive and often low-quality amino acids are added to protein...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Protein Spiking: The Biggest Scam in The Supplement Industry

    There are protein brands out there that are using a deceptive practice called Protein Spiking (also known as nitrogen or amino spiking) to exaggerate the protein claim on their labels and cheat consumers out of protein. Simply put, protein acid spiking is when a manufacturer takes some of the...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    What's All The Fuss About Protein?

    Everyone talks about it. In gyms, magazines, bodybuilding forums and health food shops they're all talking about it. So what's all the fuss about protein? Everyone who uses weights has heard about the food group called; protein, but most just think that if they have a protein drink in the day...