Had blood work done and my EFGR was 26 ..my BUN was 44 My Creatinine was 2.8. But my BUN/Creatinine ratio was at 16 which is perfect. Every other marker was fine like BP and URINE analysis. I have an appointment with a kidney specialist next week. Anyone ever have an issue like this?
The natural tendency of life is to find stability. In biology we refer to this process as equilibrium or homeostasis.
For example, consider your blood pressure. When it dips too low, your heart rate speeds up and nudges your blood pressure back into a healthy range. When it rises too high, your...
The normal range for total testosterone levels in men is approximately 300 ng/dL to 1050 ng/dL. There is no absolute consensus among different medical organizations for the exact cutoff for low testosterone. In general, the cutoff ranges from high 200s to low-to-mid 300s ng/dL. This range is...
Categorization of Low Testosterone (T)
Before we get into testosterone replacement therapy for treating low T, let’s look at the categories of male hypogonadism (low T).
Primary Hypogonadism
This type on low T is caused by a problem with your testicles. The testicles are still receiving the...
So, now that the country is starting to return to normalcy, the big question for gymgoers is: Has gym etiquette changed in any way?
The answer is yes it has. And in some ways, the “new normal” at the gym is a better normal.
We have truly experienced many different phases of “gym life”...
Clomiphene Studies:
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1985 Nov;61(5):842-5
Evidence for a role of endogenous estrogen in the hypothalamic control of gonadotropin secretion in men.
Winters SJ, Troen P.
To examine the mechanism by which endogenous estrogens inhibit gonadotropin secretion in men, blood...
To normal?
Mine is but isn't lol
No showers, bubbler a fill station only, cardio every other treadmill off limits and others moved
More emphasis on being clean
90 minute workout time
Not 24/7 are the major items
All and all its not bad of course I go over 90 minutes plus am official closer...
I'm going to go over each of the most common tests. I'll include descriptions on their purpose, what results to expect, and what the typical normal ranges are. Note that the values I'll be listing are merely averages and the...
There alot of questions concerning bloodwork so I figured that this article was never posted here before.. It gives all the bloodwork info that you will need... It is long but very informative . The hormone info is towards the bottom...
Nestor Rizhniak / Shutterstock
In most beginner exercise textbooks, it’s common to prescribe multi-joint movements (i.e. squats, bench press, deadlifts, etc.) at the start of your workout, and follow with isolation-type exercises (e.g. biceps curls, leg curls, triceps extensions, etc.).
In the...
so my estrogen and everything is back to normal
But my test levels was 88 lmao he to me we will wait a month to see if it will raise in the month if it’s still low I’ll be put on trt
Guys I was running a blast cycle for quite some time using sustanon and Tren Ace and then switching to Test Prop in the last 6-7 weeks of a cycle. Upon completing the cycle I began using 200mg test cyp a week which I just took my 4th week injection.
My sex drive is down and I get hard but it...
after almost a year on full bloodwork and urinalysis show:
test 8500 (500 cyp and 200 prop/wk from one of our fine sponsors, does this level sound about right?)
everything normal except,
concerns are:
glucose, serum 94 (highest of normal was 99)
but had fasted about 14 hrs, so why was it...
Chiropractors speaking out against vaccines
Monday, November 02, 2015 by: Joel Edwards
(NaturalNews) "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas A. Edison
Okay guys started my dnp today gonna be doing 250 mg for 15 days and see how it I Handel it I'm sticking to a light cycle till winter but I also added t3 at 25 mcg
This is awesome information for those that get confused by their blood test results and want to know their true levels based on their AGE which greatly determine whats "NORMAL" and what is not.
Assessing Normal Testosterone Levels
Determining the normal testosterone levels for your...
Been blasting and cruising for a little over a year now. Blood work was good for the first half then went bad and then got it under control again and now just got results back and its all over the place again. One major concern is my hdl has never gotten better but only worse and also my...
tren a and mast blend. 100/125 .. prop stand alone 100 mg
adrol suspension 100mgs.ml
Lab: UGL unknown (homebrew)
Day One: Feb 20. 2013
Length of cycle: until the wheels fall off
Started today with first pins in both delts... keeping prop seperate, 125 tren 150 mast. 125 prop and 150...
GnRH (Triptorelin) – The next generation in PCT and fertility
GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone) or Triptorelin is actually nothing new. Though, with the results from a new study (I’ll get to that later), we are now just realizing its true potential for being a staple in the normal AAS users...