
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Dietary Supplement Supply Chain Update: The crisis continues.

    Whey protein concentrate (WPC) seems to be leveling off at its all-time high, but it’s hard to tell because dairy factories aren’t giving commitments into 2022 yet. WPC reached a peak about 5 weeks ago, and seems to have stabilized at a ridiculously high price, although there is no sign yet of...
  2. Snakeman

    Primo and anavar together in cycle?

    I'm good at some thing but sometimes suck at interactions between compounds... If I run primo and anavar in the same, are they competing against eachother or is it a good mix?
  3. 01dragonslayer

    If Nothing Changes, Nothing Is Going to Change(

    If Nothing Changes, Nothing Is Going to Change written by JAMES CLEAR DELIBERATE PRACTICE SELF-IMPROVEMENT STRENGTH TRAINING If you have ever taken a few weeks off from exercise and then completed a strenuous workout, you may know what I'm about to say. That first workout back from a long break...
  4. tunaman7

    Tunaman...Jacked to normal in 5 years!

    From Jacked to Normal in two years... Hello E.G. world. The ground I have traversed over the last 2 years has been rocky and rough. Over that time period, and actually it may be closer to the last 4 years, my body went thru some changes. I begin to notice that my strength was starting to taper...
  5. pauley

    vendors not replying to orders

    Nothing is more iratating then sending order request to a vendor (won't say no names) Getting a autoreply and that's it .. like I wasted 1 week waiting for payment instructions and nothing even asking a rep was told it was being looked into and still nothing it fucking pisses me off if your not...
  6. Amozoc

    Ischus lab now gone and scamm me

    Ischus Rep made and aucion last month of $400.00 dls store credit and i won the auction sent the money to Grim and he told me cobtact vendor soni did and Ischus Rep told me , Ischus got it . So until now no order and nothing .Ischus Rep said he gave the order practically said its not his problem...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Good Medicine: Do As Much Nothing As Possible

    Good Medicine: Do As Much Nothing As Possible Posted on: Friday, August 28th 2015 Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder ''The delivery of good medical care is to do as much nothing as possible'' ~ Samuel Shem, The House of God Medicine is undergoing an existential crisis today. Its core value...
  8. S

    Test Prop Injetions

    Okay, so I was complaining of some extreme pip from test prop. Some others chimed in and told me to try specific vendors. I figured that out and now I am wondering do you get more pip depending on where you shoot it? I also have some NPP or Test and was thinking of cutting the prop with some...
  9. georgiaboi87

    a little worried

    So my wife just had to go have a mammogram done she had a large lump on her breultrasoundast after the mammogram The doctor had her take a ultrasound and ordered her to have a biopsy done on it for those of you who pray all prayers are definitely needed and will be gratefully appreciated her...
  10. halfnatty

    kinda tweaking about a package

    Ok it was so post to be here today, but it's been delayed and this has never happen, will I be okay I'm nervous lol
  11. luckyluke

    Halo....feeling nothin!

    So a bit ago I got a large order from a vendor not on this site. It was when I was on BOP. Vendor was PPP. Now everything I have used of his/their I got has been TOP NOTCH except for the halo pills I got.....nothing. Tried them 4 times @ 10mg, 20mg, 30mg and even 40mg.....didn't feel any...