
  1. 01dragonslayer


    NOVEL, UNEXPECTED TRAINING THREATS If you've ever watched a legit CrossFit workout, you might have noticed that it's a bit different from what you're used to doing. You probably never do more than 5 reps on deadlifts, or 2-3 reps per set if you're doing Olympic lifts. As everyone knows, "low...
  2. E

    Study identifies ADAM33 gene as novel target for preventing asthma

    Study identifies ADAM33 gene as novel target for preventing asthma Scientists at the University of Southampton have discovered a potential and novel way of preventing asthma at the origin of the disease, a finding that could challenge the current understanding of the condition. Source: Study...
  3. E

    Nuvo Research granted U.S. patent for novel topical foam formulations that use DMSO to enhance drug

    Nuvo Research granted U.S. patent for novel topical foam formulations that use DMSO to enhance drug delivery Nuvo Research Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company with a diverse portfolio of topical and immunology products, today announced that the United States Patent Office has granted U.S...