
  1. bandit

    1st day back in the gym since covid

    So, the gym finally opened up this week and i got to go today after months! Got a great pump, boy did i lose some strength. But i know it always comes back. got some of the snake mans test coming, cant wait to run that as well. Ill post up some comments on my progress and my liking of the gear!
  2. Daredevil

    Opened vials discussion

    What's the longest you have kept an opened multidraw vial after being opened and use it? Has anyone ever had any issues using a vial that they had stored for awhile? Word of mouth generally says vials are good to expiration date.
  3. S

    Domestic orders via mail

    Anyone ever have a domestic pack opened before they got it at home?
  4. Z82

    Open punctured vials?

    Do you guys keep them for your next run. I know most of us use them till they're gone but since im coming off early you think the oil will stay sterile and fresh for months?