
  1. MuscleAddiction

    Methyl DHT

    Has anyone used this oral and what was the consensus??? Thanks!!!
  2. Dago

    oral winstrol dosing

    I used to use water base winny a lot always injected it every 24 hrs. On the oral say if I was dosing 50mg day is it still the same active life as injection or do I need to dose it more often like every 8 hrs ? Say 20/20/10 to make 50mg every 24 hrs ? Or one oral dose at 50mg and I'm good ?
  3. J

    Oral combos and feedback

    Alright fellas! Lets explore and roid talk a little 1) Whats every ones overall favirote. Tbol or Anavar. Give reason why and any experiences youve had wih each 2) Which sounds best and that you would be willing to try ? Explain why A. Anadrol with low tbol dose B. Anadrol with anavar C. A...
  4. luckyluke

    Oral in bewteen blast

    So I have been off my blast for about 5 weeks now and just cruising on 250mg/wk of Test E. I'm planning on blasting again around Feb but figured I'd about what you guys thought of just adding a oral in between (maybe 8-10 wks) I was thinking on winny to help with leaning up more. Never tried...