
  1. Dago

    Which is worse on the body tren or orals

    I know orals are hard on your organs more than most but how hard is tren on your body compared to orals
  2. 01dragonslayer


    Does anyone else expirence reflux when cycling orals? I have been running some Tbol and been getting some bad reflux throughout the day. Do you guys think it's the actual hormone causing it or fillers that may be used?
  3. puff88

    Breaks Between Orals

    For those of you on TRT who like to throw in an pral here and there, how long of time off do you take in between befpre switching to a different one? I see some guys like to stay on proviron or even anavar longer term, some pretty much bounce from one oral to the next, and others dont touch...
  4. I

    10 week cycles

    Hey guys, What's the good and the bad about 10 week cycles and is this something doable? Just curious. If I posted this in wrong section feel free to move it to correct one thanks!
  5. GoPro

    Oral injectable or oral

    I have been doing some research on injectable orals vs plain orals. What I have come up with is that orals injected are still going to be processed eventually by the liver but to a lesser extent. You may still have to take a liver guard, but it's not AS much of an issue. I have also done alot...
  6. puff88

    How many times a year do you run orals

    Mainly asking due to liver/organ toxicity, I know many guys will limit orals to once per year. What if someone is sticking to milder drugs like var/tbol/winny, would lower dose short cycles be sufficient to squeeze in 2 cycles per year using orals? What is your rule of thumb when it comes to...
  7. Dago

    No more ped's

    My kidneys are not up for it anymore guys I went to a kidney specialist and scared me a little bit. He said on average we lose 2% of our kidney function a year as we age. Mine are at 50% but I been taking 50 mg oral anavar the last couple weeks and had used deca or came off deca low dose bout a...
  8. Dago


    We all know orals are bad for your liver and kidneys. Last blood work my kidneys were u 78% so they have gotten better but i havent used much orals for awhile now maybe couple times in the last 3 years. Im drinking lots of water using 100mg of var a day with 250 sust a week and 200 test cyp...
  9. RebelMachinist

    Winny- popping my cherry

    okay bros so I’m about to be running Winstrol for the first time. 100mg Ed for 8-10 weeks yes I run them long and have for years. I feel people stop when things are just getting good around weeks 5-6. Anywho I’ve done some googling over the years, I’ve been debating for a while now to run it or...
  10. Vw4334


    this might be a dumb question but im going to ask anyway, im going on vacation, and im flying inside the US, could i take my orals and liquid orals (winstrol, cialis,) im currently running in a pill case/bottle inside my suitcase with me on the plane or am i dumb ?
  11. rboy101

    How long -orals

    What up brothers just seeing what you guys say about how long you consistently run dbol and other orals. Ive been on 40 mg of dbol for the past 5 weeks and have about 3 weeks left. Was just seeing what some of you seasoned fellas think about oral dosage runs. Ive been taking tudca and nac. Im...
  12. R2D2

    Bloodword from today

    how does it look? CBC W/DIFF 2018-03-22 WBC count 8.0 4.6-10.2 RBC 5.48 4.69-6.13 HGB 16.2 13.7-16.5 HCT 48.4 43.5-53.7 MCV 88.4 80.0-98.0 MCH 29.6 27.0-34.0 MCHC 33.5 31.8-35.4 RDW 14.0 11.6-14.8 PLT 298 142-424 MPV 7.5 7.4-10.4 NE% 64.8 37.0-80.0 LY% 19.5 10.0-50.0 MO% 11.2...
  13. lith56bigguy

    Juice in your 40's

    Who here has also hit the 40's landmark and still runs gear? Has anyone else dialed it back a bit like I have? Very basic cycles for me anymore.... sust and a little tren, low mg orals to kick. No more high mg cycles. Always use bloodwork as deciding factor and run an ai always
  14. Dago

    What steroid causes the least stress on renal functions

    Which steroid can I choose that would cause the least amount of stress to the renal functions (kidneys) ? Eq is similar to dianabol. Tren in trying to stay away from due to other sides. Orals we all know about. Wondering what's my best choice ?
  15. dirtyjoe8605


    Is there anything out there that u do not have to shot up to get size and build if so let me no what it is thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Daredevil

    Cholesterol Up

    Found out my cholesterol levels all of them are either too low or too high. Definitely going to have to redo my diet. Last few weeks I've been off my diet. Cholesterol level was at 281. Hdl, ldl weren't at good levels either. I did eat 8.5 hours before the test, but I believe it's somewhat...
  17. Dago

    Blood work

    Liver and kidney values were high over 3 weeks ago. I normally don't do high mgs especially w 17aa orals. This time I went hard and expected things to come back a bit high. How long is the norm to bounce back to normal levels ? I've never used liver support what's the best thing you guys use for...
  18. Dago

    Mixing orals

    Obviously mixing orals 17aa steroids isn't a great idea due to liver kidneys etc...my question is this. Mixing dbol that brings on a lot of water retention or anadrol for that matter with say winny or tbol I've read guys doing this. This combo I don't understand as one is a dry cutting steroid...
  19. bbcoach


    Ok, so here is the question? why are not more orals suspensions? like flavored baby Tylenol? My girl love var and uses liquid orals but hates the alcohol taste.. i have used few and feel like alcoholic using them they are so strong.. Is it cost or easier to make?
  20. Dago


    So I just ordered some of the gear I will be using for my spring summer cycle. I'm coming off a nice bulk cycle soon and I want to turn this bulk into lean hard muscle as much as possible. I will cruise at 375mg test-week til mid march after I drop the orals end of January. I just ordered more...