
  1. Thor

    Need More Research BUT

    I haven't done any research but this opens up the door to prove him right or wrong. Dear Friend, I remember when I first started researching SARMs, Ostarine seemed to be the most popular. Head over to some of the message boards, Youtube comments, and people are bragging about...
  2. N

    Mk2866 high dose

    Taking 100mg of MK2866. Anyone ever go this high? Strength gains are insane and healing is faster than ever. TUDCA and NAC for the liver
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Ostarine is suppressive to testosterone

    Ostarine is suppressive to testosterone https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2602589/ Male hormonal contraception Despite prevalent use of oral contraceptives for women, no oral pharmacologic option has been approved for men. Hair et al. [Hair et al., 2001] found that...
  4. bigdude


    Has anyone ran the stuff? Does it do what people claim it does? Can you cruise on it?
  5. E

    New Enobosarm / Ostarine trial is a success.

    New Enobosarm / Ostarine trial is a success. Source: New Enobosarm / Ostarine trial is a success.