
  1. EG News

    Why Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions are Arnold Approved

    There’s a reason that Arnold Schwarzenegger lifted seven Mr Olympia titles and that’s because he trained as smart as he did hard. And, as this rare glimpse from the shoot of Pumping Iron shows, the Australian Oak was really onto something with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s standing overhead triceps...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    The overhead squat is one of the most challenging exercises for the entire shoulder complex. Unfortunately, many people are unable to perform it correctly due to the high mobility demands. Here's one exercise to fix this. THE BAND-ASSISTED PRONE PVC LIFTOFF One of the main limitations to...
  3. EG News

    ‘The Sober Bodybuilder’ Tips and Tricks To Train With Elbow Pain

    Brad Jensen made good on an important decision more than ten years ago to get sober and become the best version of himself. Since then, “The Sober Bodybuilder” has grown a successful coaching business and has amassed more than 185,000 Instagram followers thanks to his handy tips for keeping...
  4. EG News

    3 Form Fixes to Help Fix Your Bad Squat Form

    With all the different guides on exercising it can be very overwhelming for anybody and squatting is one of those exercises high on the list that everyone has an opinion on. There’s the basic how to’s, what’s a good squat form, and what’s a bad squat form, and the countless tips on how to fix...
  5. EG News

    Top 9 Olympic Lift Alternatives For Helping Increase Stability and Power

    When it comes to Olympic lifting, it’s about more than just the time you spend under the bar performing snatches and clean and jerks. You can hone the strength, stability, and technique required for these lifts through various olympic lift alternatives that don’t involve actual Olympic lifts...
  6. EG News

    This 8-Week Snatch Program Will Help Develop Olympic-Quality Gains

    In Olympic Weightlifting competitions, the snatch is the first lift contested. Plain and simple, it’s described as one movement to move the bar from the floor to overhead. It’s a feat of power, strength, stability, and mobility. It takes time and dedication to enhance all of these qualities that...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    How to Do the Landmine Press: Muscles Worked, Form

    What Is the Landmine Press? The landmine press is an overhead pressing exercise involving a barbell and a “landmine press attachment,” which is a piece of gym equipment consisting of a metal sleeve with a pivoting joint usually attached to the floor or the base of a squat or power rack. (You...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Four Reasons To Push Press

    For decades one of the popular upper body exercises to perform in the weight room has been the bench press exercise. One common question many high school athletes or any athlete may ask their peer is “How much can you bench”? With regard to upper body strength and power when was the last time...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    How to Military Press

    The military press is a classic strength training exercise that has stood the test of time. Not only does the lift build strong and muscular shoulders, it transfers favorably to the bench press, and it actually works a lot of muscles you wouldn’t always think of when considering the...
  10. EG News

    Can You Press 210 Pounds Overhead Like This 140-Pound Woman?

    One of the most impressive events taking place this weekend at the Olympia World Fitness Expo in Orlando is the America’s Strongest series—America’s Strongest Man and America’s Strongest Woman, presented by the Strongman Corporation. The competitions cover six different events with two weight...
  11. 01dragonslayer


    Comfortably holding a heavy weight over your head takes some serious shoulder stability and a good amount of mobility through your thoracic spine. You'll need stable and mobile shoulders to nail a good overhead lockout position with everything from barbell pressing to the Olympic lifts and even...
  12. EG News

    Improve Your Overhead Press By Fixing These 4 Mistakes

    The strict barbell overhead press is the gold standard for pressing. The bench press is excellent and gets a lot of attention, but you are stronger in the horizontal plane and have the bench’s stability helping. With the overhead press, it’s two hands on the barbell and two feet on the ground...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    6 Ways to Build Shoulders That Don't Wanna Grow

    NEW WAYS TO BUILD SHOULDERS It can be tough to build shoulders once you're past the newbie phase. Many lifters are tempted to double down on barbell overhead press or add weight to exercises that are already beating up their joints. Doing more of the same and expecting different results is...
  14. EG News

    These 4 Shoulder-Friendly Exercises Can Help Build Bigger and Better Delts

    Those who are serious about muscle want bolder delts, and arguably the best exercise to do that is the barbell and dumbbell overhead presses and their variations. These work all three deltoid heads (anterior, lateral, and posterior) for improved size and strength. For those who can do these and...
  15. EG News

    These 7 Overhead Press Variations Will Push Your Power Through the Roof

    The best measure of absolute pressing strength is not the bench press (please don’t tell the powerlifters) but the overhead press. Although the bench press is pretty standard among lifters, the same cannot be said for the overhead press or the many overhead press accessory exercises. Why? You...
  16. EG News

    The Barbell Overhead Carry May be The Most Underrated Full-Body Exercise

    Carrying around heavy weights appears at face value to be of no value except for strengthening your grip. But when you perform a movement like the barbell overhead carry exercise and pick up the weights and walk around, you’ll realize there’s so much more to carries than meets the eye. Your...
  17. EG News

    Incorporate the Push Press to Give a Nudge to Your Total-Body Strength Gains

    The strict overhead press is the gold standard when it comes to overhead pressing. Using nothing more than your upper body you press a barbell strictly overhead with no help from your lower body. There’s no doubt strict overhead press is a fantastic exercise for strength and mass and requires...
  18. EG News

    Here’s Why the Landmine Press Should Be in Everyone’s Upper-Body Routine

    Landmine training was in vogue long before the landmine attachment existed. Old-school lifters jammed the barbell into a corner to do T-bar rows and they still do. Now thanks to the minds of creative coaches, landmine training is a great way to train your muscles from multiple angles and...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How To Build Big Boulder Shoulders Without Injuries

    If you’ve ever experienced shoulder pain, then you know how tricky it can be to build those cannonball delts. Given our culture’s sedentary lifestyle and the fact that many folks seem to struggle with maintaining overhead shoulder function, it’s no wonder that impingement is rampant within the...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    What to Do About Shoulder and Joint Pain

    Here’s a question from a reader… First off, drop heavy overhead pressing for good. It’s absolutely worthless other than ego lifting. The overhead press is the most dangerous thing for rotator cuff and A/C joint because over time the cartilage in the joint wears down and it becomes bone on...