
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How do supplement brands get away with not declaring sugar or fat on their label?

    Consumers often question why some nutrient facts panels on supplement labels declare the amount of a nutrient, for example sugar or fat, while others leave them off completely. What are brands hiding by not disclosing these values and how do they get away with it? I have a reputation for...
  2. J

    Test and Erectile Dysfunction

    One of my friends is running test. That I gave him from this forum and he is having a hard time getting and staying hard while having sex. What is going on with him. What should I tell him to do.
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Private md labs-body builder testing

    Body Builder Testing Before starting any Hormone Replacement Therapy regimen a baseline of certain laboratory tests are recommended. It is also important to have regular lab testing to ensure the prescribed therapy is working as intended. Hormone Therapy programs vary by prescriber as well as...
  4. luckyluke question

    I need to get some blood work done and my insurance (on TRT) is wanting to charge me over 400.00 for the labs all the sudden. Any advice on getting the labs done for cheapest way. Dr said they were fine if I did the labs some place else and brought in results. I know one time I just did the...
  5. dowork

    Where To Get Blood Work

    What's your fave route to buying blood tests these days? Any discount codes or tricks to get cheap tests? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Monsanto to organize panel of corrupt, sellout scientists to review its glyphosa

    Monsanto to organize panel of corrupt, sellout scientists to review its glyphosate herbicide after WHO labels it "probably carcinogenic" Tuesday, August 11, 2015 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Incensed over the revelation that its most popular weedkiller product causes cancer in...
  7. Augustwest

    Cheap Labtest trick

    So I was shown this info from a member on another board. I cannot take credit for it, but I will be trying it out this wed. For anyone thinking about getting bloods done, give this a shot. "Here is the trick. Go to and select the hormone panel for females. This test comes...
  8. P

    Point me in the right direction!

    I'm getting everything ready for my next cycle and Ill be having labs done 3 separate times. Once before, mid-cycle, and after pct to make sure everything is in check. I know the female panel checks for test levels, E2, fsh, lh, etc. But Im looking for a panel that will also test my liver...