
  1. R2D2

    Just got back from the gym

    Lots of people in their without masks. 1st day I've really noticed it. Not too happy about it. With this virus spreading in many states and masks being the best way to limit the spread of the virus per the CDC and WHO, I don't understand people who don't have the common sense to wear a mask in...

    New pants

    that feeling when you find a pair of pants that actually fit just right [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. 49ER

    Pull up your pants faggot

    Ok so you wanna be a thug bad ass or whatever how the fuck can you commit crimes or fight with your pants hanging past your ass? 1 2
  4. D

    finally ordered

    some clothes from a website I found that custom makes stuff for rock stars, mma fighters, and such. I have a hard time finding clothes in the stores that fit right so I gave this place a shot. Sent my measurements in for a pair of pants and I ordered a t-shirt from one of their galleries. I...