
  1. E

    Practical tips to help parents spot children's foot problems

    Practical tips to help parents spot children's foot problems Just part of growing up vs. the sign of a problem?managing children's health and wellness is complicated for parents, who often struggle to know which signs and symptoms are temporary and those that point to more serious concerns. As...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    California Vaccine Refusers to Get “Court Order” or “CPS Visit” Under SB277

    California Vaccine Refusers to Get “Court Order” or “CPS Visit” Under SB277 by Jefferey Jaxon Health Impact News California Senate Bill 277 (SB277) is setting a dangerous precedent by removing medical consent from California school children in 2016. In addition, the bill appears to be in...
  3. 49ER

    I need parenting advice from a bunch of juiced up bodybuilders

    Ok so this came sooner than I fucken hoped for. My daughter is 11 way too far advance mentally and physically. Recently i checked her tablet and saw Google searches for boyfriend advice. She has some shit called kick it's a social network for her little friends and boyfriend. I come to...