
  1. W

    Money and women.... HELP!

    Alright fellas. Got myself into a pickle. I'm engaged to this chick and now I wanna break it off. Yes I know I'm in deep but no kids yet! Anyways, there are a few things that she financed for but I made the payments for and payed it off. Who technically owns that shit and do I have rights to it...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    Coca-Cola Caught Paying ‘Health Leaders’ to Say Soda is ‘Healthy Snack’

    Coca-Cola Caught Paying ‘Health Leaders’ to Say Soda is ‘Healthy Snack’ by Anthony Gucciardi Posted on March 17, 2015 Would you like a healthy dose of high-fructose corn syrup with that organic salad? If you’re listening to one of the ‘health experts’ on the payroll of Coca-Cola, this...
  3. krustus

    paying with vanilla

    i'm not sure how it works but seems a better (cheaper) method... do i just go tell the clerk i need a reload? and i send the info to the seller to load to their card? i don't have to have a card at all right?