
  1. T

    Payment processors for APAC to US?

    Does anyone know a payment processor in Southeast Asia that can accept whatever credit cards they happen to have there and credit my US bank account?
  2. GRIM

    What do you prefer in a vendor?

    Besides the obvious quality legit product. Being active in the forums to communicate etc? Payment methods what do you prefer? Anything else you use to determine which vendor to use? Lastly do you use multiple vendors? Itd be great to see a discussion on this, remember you can use the...
  3. MattyIce

    how long is too long?

    You send payment, you receive email stating goods are on the way in 1-2 days, then no response for 9 days. Reasonable to pull the funds or not?
  4. E

    Popular anonymous payment company Liberty Reserve busted for money laundering.

    Popular anonymous payment company Liberty Reserve busted for money laundering. Source: Popular anonymous payment company Liberty Reserve busted for money laundering.