Going to let my daughters carve some pumkins and will be back with some pictures.
Anyone else have any kool pumpkin carvings?
I'm not a newbie, but it's been a bit since I've ran any gear. I'm getting ready to start a 10 week test prop, 150 mgs, EOD cycle. Does anyone have any good advice in regards to how I should rum my PCT and what to use? Also is there any point to run any clomid, etc. while on the cycle? Thanks...
Hi guys,
I'm about half way through my first test cycle, ever. I currently take 200mg per week Cyp split into 2 injections (which is not a lot I believe, compared to some guys lol) which I am running for 10 weeks and I have some 10 x 50mg Clomid tablets and 5,000 IU HCG.
I've been told around...
Been blasting and cruising for a little over a year now. Blood work was good for the first half then went bad and then got it under control again and now just got results back and its all over the place again. One major concern is my hdl has never gotten better but only worse and also my...
Alright bros I've decided to completely come off in a few weeks. I want to give my body a nice break from everything. I've been off and on for a good while now. Mostly on with a couple short breaks. I want to use an aggressive pct. I have nolvadex, clomid, and will be getting hcg. I've never...
I've lost a total of 6 1/2 lbs not bad considering how much I gained. I can def tell I'm off but suprised at how I have held on to. Was on over 6 months test prop tren ace to start then switched to test-e tren- and tbol. Started out on sarcs gear up til the longer ester stuff which was CM from...
Does anyone use DHEA, and if so why and how? I know several studies have now shown it to be ineffective in raising the test levels of healthy young men, and somewhat effective in increasing test and estrogen levels in seniors or men with very low test.
I used to take it when it was the fad...