
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Use RPE, RIR, and Percentages In Your Training

    How hard should you train? It is a question that is debated a lot in fitness circles. On the one hand, you have an old-school bodybuilding approach of training instinctively or simply pushing everything to failure. Workouts like this leave little need for quantifying how challenging a set...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Rule Of Body Fat Percentage When Building Muscle Mass

    Twenty and Under: The Rule Of Body Fat Percentage When Building Muscle Mass Everybody wants to add a ton of muscle "mass" to their frame, but the word "mass" means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. If you're reigning Mr. Olympia Phil Heath, then adding mass would mean...
  3. Too Small

    Body Fat percentages

    Body Fat Percentage Men 3-4% Bodybuilders can drop as low as 3-4% body fat when preparing for bodybuilding competitions. This body fat level is characterized by extreme vascularity, so that veins are visible over just about every muscle in the body. There is clear separation between muscles, and...
  4. TSizemore

    Body Composition %'s

    Most people dramatically underestimate their body fat %. Here's a visual to aid in that assessment. [attachment deleted by admin]