Alex Roberts
Ending The Search for the Best Diet and Best Workout
One size does not fit all.
This statement rings true regarding all aspects of life, from shoe size to height to weight and even to personality. When it comes to creating a nutrition and workout program, no two people should use...
The “Queen of Power Ballads,” Celine Dion, has sold 200 million records around the world and has wowed fans on stage since first performing as a child, but behind the curtain, the Canadian has been battling a rare condition known as Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS). In a rare interview with Vogue...
First - if your new to this and you dont get through this whole list, put down the vial, the needle and walk away. You lack the initiative to even get started
1) Your under 25 (ish). Your natty test is still likely high, and you probably still have room to grow. You may not have spent the...
By Aadam |
Remember that scene in The Matrix where Neo’s having Kung Fu training uploaded directly into his brain and at the end he’s all like, “I know Kung-fu”?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but he was wrong. He didn’t actually know kung-fu. He only thought he knew kung-fu: Meaning, he...
Remember that scene in The Matrix where Neo’s having Kung Fu training uploaded directly into his brain and at the end he’s all like, “I know Kung-fu”?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but he was wrong. He didn’t actually know kung-fu. He only thought he knew kung-fu: Meaning, he understood kung...
Working out while sick may not sound enjoyable, although a popular urban myth argues that a person can “sweat out” an illness through exercise. While this is not true in the strictest sense, working out while sick may be helpful in some cases.
In general, a person with symptoms in their head and...
Four common misconceptions about steroids
Steroids and bodybuilding go hand in hand as far as most people are concerned, and unfortunately in this day and age, anybody and everybody can post whatever they like onto the internet, with no real facts or evidence to back up their claims. For this...
What do I eat before and after a workout? It is a question that every fitness lover has in mind when they are just starting out in their fitness journey. Before one hits the gym for a workout, their body requires an anabolic state. Anabolic state allows the body to keep the muscles already...
Cell phones certainly have made life a lot easier and more convenient in many ways. And, as technology continues to improve, it’s been playing a much bigger role in helping people live a healthy lifestyle. There are apps for absolutely everything in the fitness world – apps for bodybuilding...
Why, When , & How would you best utilize a carb cycling dieting approach?
This practice of rotating carbohydrates everyday is something I have personally used and have certain athletes use when getting into very lean condition, or maintaining acceptable leanness during a growth phase...
What do I eat before and after a workout? It is a question that every fitness lover has in mind when they are just starting out in their fitness journey. Before one hits the gym for a workout, their body requires an anabolic state. Anabolic state allows the body to keep the muscles already...
Four common misconceptions about steroids
Steroids and bodybuilding go hand in hand as far as most people are concerned, and unfortunately in this day and age, anybody and everybody can post whatever they like onto the internet, with no real facts or evidence to back up their claims. For this...
What do I eat before and after a workout? It is a question that every fitness lover has in mind when they are just starting out in their fitness journey. Before one hits the gym for a workout, their body requires an anabolic state. Anabolic state allows the body to keep the muscles already...
At some point, you've probably had to cut someone toxic out of your life. Whether it's a distant friend or a close family member, sometimes you realize that a person just isn't good for you. If that toxicity stems from diagnosable personality disorders like psychopathy or narcissism, there are...
If you let someone live by you and literally you got nothing in return its your place hell if you were paid even your only rules being you are asked before they have any company as they abused the privilege then they still do it without asking, have people come over while you're asleep, in your...
So I'm at a training that includes addressing this gender identification issue. We had a speaker come and address our group. At the end of the presentation "he" dropped the bomb and let everyone know that "he" was born female. I sat there thinking, "No shit Nancy Drew." Hell Barney Fife could...
UFC Reinstates Jon Jones a Mere Six Months After His Hit-and-Run Accident
Jon Jones is not a good person. It’s something that he’s demonstrated at nearly every turn — first when he decided to drive drunk and subsequently total his car with two passengers onboard, then when he decided to…drive...
Feb 11, 2014
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI]
Status: Referred to Committee
2 cosponsors (2R) (show)
Hatch, Orrin [R-UT]
McCain, John [R-AZ]
(joined Feb 26, 2014)
(b) Criminal penalties
Any person who violates...
This really pisses me off hearing this shit exists. If your no longer a man why you have to still take hormones to stay a women? That is called cheating! :-\