
  1. 01dragonslayer

    For those who have ran pharm grade GH....

    ....I am highly considering making the switch to some Norditropin. I am currently running gold tops at 5iu/day and I am wondering what would be a comparable dose of pharm grade Norditropin GH. Through research I have found that the difference between pharm grade and generics is night and day...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Need a little advice.....

    Just need some opinions here. I had won an auction on another board and part of the winnings were two pharm Genotropin GoQuick 16iu pens. I have never had the opportunity to cycle any pharm grade GH and I am currently using Gold tops right now at 4iu/day. My question is should I start the...
  3. GRIM

    1 kit is it..

    worth running 2iu a day... or should I wait until/if I can afford more.. Opinions
  4. tunaman7

    Geo Peptides

    I was looking over their goods. Their prices are ridiculously low...much lower than any other research chems I have seen. Should I feel so suspect about their quality. Also...they offer liquid Caber. Liquid Caber is about as stable as the Ukrainian government. Has anyone tried their...
  5. 4everstrong

    Women Primo and Var Dosage?

    My girl is wanting to get into Var and Primo. I told her since it is her first time she should go with just 1. What dosage of Var? and How many weeks? (Pharm Grade Var) What dosage of Primo? And How many weeks? (Pharm Grade Primo) She has been Training for 6 years natural.
  6. 4everstrong


    What happened to MONSTA PHARM? Not a sponsor anymore?
  7. J

    Ooh.. Look at this yummy stuff I got

    Just picked up some of this pharm grade deca. It is a product of India. I will be starting a cycle with some of this and some pharm test and drol. This blast should be interesting. [attachment deleted by admin]