
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Vitamins for Alcohol Detox: Do Hangover Pills Work?

    Vitamins for Alcohol Detox: Do "Hangover Pills" Work? The health and fitness realm is getting trendier by the day, and the recent surge of companies selling "hangover pills" is another example of why that is. Quite plainly, hangover pills are just supplements with ingredients like milk thistle...
  2. EG News

    Herbal Medicines Shouldn't Be Recommended for Weight Loss, New Study Says

    Antonova Ganna When it comes to losing weight, people will try just about anything: pills, an extreme diet, and even purposely starving themselves — err, we mean intermittent fasting. One strategy that’s been around for centuries is using herbal medicines such as teas, leaves, and powders...
  3. GRIM

    Fish oil useless?

    More Evidence That Fish Oil Supplements Might Be Useless
  4. millenium girl

    Acid reflux

    I have bad acid reflux today. It is probably caused by stress. all I have here is 2 Pantomed pills. I hope they will work. Does anybody here have acid reflux? If so what do you take?
  5. GRIM

    Boner pills

    Damn i took one of the combo pills i had left for last night and the shit is still going strong almost 2 strong! One of our vendors needs to make a mix! This has viagra, cialis and levitra i believe. Insane results
  6. tunaman7

    Madison James Research Chemicals

    Has anyone used any of the research chems from Madison James Research Chemicals. I beleive they are from somewhere over seas but the contact address is in NC. But research chems have to be liquid because small animals can't consume pills and tablets easily (remember they are sold for research on...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Vets Seek Medical Pot Legalization on Veterans Day

    Vets Seek Medical Pot Legalization on Veterans Day by Julie Fidler Posted on November 13, 2015 “Pot Over Pills” protestors filled the streets. Advocates and veterans used Veterans Day as an opportunity to bring awareness to the physical and psychological suffering of vets and how medical...
  8. B


    For those of u who may wanna try or do take ecstasy...or molly The two are not the same...u will never roll from molly. Molly is just bath salts...by a different name.... http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/22/health/9-things-molly-drug/ And for those of u who think cause u tested it with a test kit...
  9. V

    Diet pills/Appetite suppressant?

    I'm looking for some serious diet pills or an appetite suppressant for my girl. Something that works. She's convinced she needs something and I don't know what to get. Any one have any ideas or supplements that work?