
  1. tunaman7

    The Test-flu...Real or Myth

    Im back to normal now...but...I pinned 1 ml of EGH Prop200 and I got one the worst case of test-flu I have had in a while. Body ached and was sensitive. Felt dizzy and lethargic. Chills and hot flashes. Wife thought I was full of shit and was trying to get out of some work that was needing...
  2. RockShawn

    BOLD ACE - Pinned

    I finally took the plunge, Pinned some Bold Ace 100mg I've been holding onto for a little while. It is from a EG vendor, and he told me to expect some pip. Pinned 2-26-2014 at 12:45PM I'll keep you posted. I did mix with testosterone I am taking.
  3. D

    Pinned a new spot today

    Well I have pinned many spots including glutes, ventral glutes, lats, pecs, rear delts, middle delts, traps. Today I decdided to try a new spot and I pinned front delts. Tbh I was kinda leary and scared to do it cause it is a new spot and I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't too bad. I...
  4. RockShawn

    Oil smell on hands

    Hey guys, a bro of mine came to me a week ago and his hands smelled like oil. It was weird, he was wondering if it was from the gear we are taking (taking the same) I didn't think the gear had anything to do with it, but I pinned today and my hands smell like that same oil. I know there isn't...
  5. G

    knee swolen.... :/ and bugging

    Pinned the top of thigh and has been getting fatter. Never had this happen before. Almost as if all my oils I pinned dripped down to my knee cap... Shit wont stop aching. Dont think I hit a nerve or anyhting cus it didn't feel any different or hurt when I pinned and usually always pin thighs and...