
  1. GRIM

    Ever have a pinning

    Experience that nothing goes right? Just a few this time, put my 18 gauge draw pin in and stab my thumb under the nail gushes blood. Drawing 2nd oil, shows perfect level go to next, over a 1/4 ml off Then go to pin, hit a damn nerve but decide F it and inject. Pull pin out and gushes a...
  2. Tyson13

    Test prop to???

    What up EG!!! I have been taking 100 mgs of Test P EOD for several years now. Due to circumstances I would ideally like to switch to something hat only requires a once to twice a week injection. I would prefer no bloating. Also, I am only wanting to do a high dose of TRT. I don't want to...
  3. sityslicker1

    First primo run

    Finally had the opportunity to run Primo enan so I could decide for myself if its worth the cost or not. So its been roughly 5 weeks now at 800-900mg weekly plus 80mg anavar and trt test. I'm am lean probably right at 10% or less. First off the anavar has made me strong as a damn ox. The...
  4. LittleTom


    Lately I have been getting a very bad burning sensation when I pin certain areas of my right and sometimes my left quad. A little back story, I use my quads more often then any other area and have no issues putting 3ccs in there. I have been using them the past three years consistently along...
  5. HulkSmashes

    Quad Injections....

    Hey guys I'm just looking for your input. I've been pinning my quads ever since I started using AAS. I like pinning them because of how easy they are to get at. I pin on Mon/Wed/Fri. - Test E./ EQ/Tren A. So about a week and a half ago I had 1 painful injection and that injection I also nicked a...
  6. halfnatty

    my cycle review and need help

    25 years old 195 lbs 5'9 15 bf Goal 9% bf then lean bulk Cycle Test cyp 750 a week Teen ace 150, Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat T3 30mcg Getting a vial of helios from red rihno can someone help me with a cycle of that Now I went from 25 bf to 15 bf so far. but does anyone have experience with helios I...
  7. B

    Cut stack plus additional tren

    Im going to be using a cut stack that is 100/75/75. I want to try a run with more tren than test. I've read a lot about tren sides diminishing with ed injections instead of eod. I haven't ran tren in a couple years and it was 100mg eod. If I add more tren to this stack so I can pin...
  8. krustus

    tne... hmmm i don't know

    ok ..i've done 2 doses of TNE... first one i shot in my thigh with a slin pin and didn't go deep enough and it hurts pretty good 2 days later... the next i did with mt regular needles and it's much better, but still a little sore. is this the norm for TNE? is my bod not liking the guiacol...
  9. Thesuperwallaby

    Newbie cycle

    Ok, a friend of mine wants me to plan a cycle for him he is concerned about sides About 5,11 175 Approx 15% bf I'm thinking 12 week run 6 week dbol kickstart 25mg ed And 100mg prop eod 1-12 Going with prop cuz the dude is super freaked about sides so I figure he can quit faster this way Pct...
  10. Akhusker

    What do you guys think about running long and short esters

    Sooooo...I have like a gallon of test p in my stock pile (yes I am a hoarder too) but I am low on sust and test e and would have to make an order to get more to do my next cycles! Now my next two cycles consist of using DECA in one and mast e and TREN e in another (both for 12-14 weeks each). I...
  11. D

    Time to get HUGE

    Well I started my get big cycle last week. Im doing: 1500mgs Test Enan EW 750mgs Deca EW 600mg Test Prop EW 50mgs D-Bol ED I am pinning 6 days a week and taking sunday off. Each pin has Test Prop and Test Enan 1ml of each and on M,W,F I am pinning 1ml of Deca with them. I am taking my full...