
  1. Bama

    Back for the boom!!!

    What's up EG freaks!? Your boy BAMA has been though some crazy life issues here as of late, not saying I'm the only one that has gone through shit I know you all have your own life battles also With that being said, I am ready to get it on. I will be posting my cycle that I'm about to start...
  2. Bama

    I thought i have seen it all!!!!!

    How is everyone today here at EG? Well, at Olympia Solutions we are sitting around thinking HOW STUPID CAN PEOPLE BE!!!!? 2 of the ways we accept donations have been frozen!!! Why? Because some genius thought he would write in what he was donating to OS for!!!! So, what do you do? TO ALL...
  3. Bama

    Swollen hands

    Hello, I am messenging to get any feedback or wisdom on this subject, I am not advanced in this area of HGH. I spoke with a friend of mine this morning and he told me he has a few kits and is done with 1 of them and he is noticing his hands are swollen pretty bad. Can someone she'd some light on...
  4. Bama


    Hello EG!!! We are seeing a glimmer of hope that the cold weather is over!!! Time to change up routines. What is everyone gonna be running for their spring/summer cycles? I have started back and pretty much been in a cruise due to having to watch after my wife here lately, now she is doing...
  5. Bama

    Gonna rest and pct

    How is everyone? I am having to call off the cycle I was on although it was coming to end in a month or so, got to stop early. I had MRI and also a nerve test done on my right arm that has been killing me here lately and come to find I have a bad case of carpel tunnel syndrone WTF!!! The nerve...
  6. Bama

    Alot of change

    Good morning EG!!! I haven't been around that much due to wrapping up the odds and ends of the first year of lawn business which was a success!!!! And just a couple weeks ago found out that my wife is pregnant, and she has been sick EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! This is our first for the bother of us, so...
  7. Bama

    Pregnant wife

    This is for the ladies on here. My wife is pregnant and she has been struggling every since we had the positive test. One mine she will feel fine, next she is hot, sweating and throwing up. This is both of our first time and we have no idea what to do. Are there any rememedies that we may can...