While the article talks about possible damage to the heart from long-term CHRONIC USE steroids use it is my belief that these risks can be dealt with by having a healthy diet and not abusing. I am not doctor though so I am not giving medical advice. Just be careful with your usage!
The possible...
Given the current situation with the coronavirus and a lot of Raws come from that area, to which Black market items do go around customs, how possible do you think that the virus could've gotten through? It is the black market and will evade customs, so could a virus I would think.
[Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/1109-lean-muscle-1.jpg?itok=tywUCaoR×tamp=1527007118
eclipse_images / Getty
Any successful fat loss program is going to...
Per Bernal
Most people look for motivation to get them geared up to achieve a goal. Some may need motivation to get to the gym and train day in, day out. It occurred to me early in my life that I didn’t rely on motivation to get things done. Motivation comes and goes. But passion—passion is in...
I wanted to do the NPC National Championship coming up, but I had to prioritize life, which worked out well. Finished Grad School and just signed a contract to start my new career in December. So it was worth it. With all of that getting under control, I started with a new Coach in September, to...
Success Principle #12: The Real Golden Rule (How to Be Productive)
Tuesday, 10 February 2015 in Get Success
The Productivity Concept - Golden Dozen
Hopkins calls his productivity concept the "Golden Dozen" because it's 12 words long.
The concept says -
I made this post the other day, but I either didn't post it right or couldn't find it after I posted it due to all the other topics. Here is my issue...
I weigh around 255
Don't know my BMI, but can assume it's not great.
I started hitting the gym hard last October, before then, I had...
Hot 93.7 topic of the day, ( a local radio station ) : Is it possible to have a cuddle buddy of the opposite sex and NOT have sex! Just straight cuddle? What's your input on it?
I check this blog for recipes every now and then. Figured this would be a great one to share.
Note the temp change. He said he needs to change it to 160*
5-8 pounds of super lean beef.
1 extra sharp knife
1 large 2 gallon...
dbol 25mg/2xday 4weeks
3 week break
anadrol 100mg splut 2 x day 4 weeks
5 week break
winny unsure on dose yet. 4 weeks.
proviron 50-100mg through out cycle..
test e 600-800mg 21 weeks
BOLD 600mg 21 weeks.
decca 300-400mg 12 weeks front of cycle
mast e 400mg 12 weeks at end of cycle...