post cycle therapy

  1. F.I.S.T.

    Female PCT after Test Prop cycle

    Female PCT after Test Prop cycle By Mh48500 As we all know there is not a ton of information out there about female steroid cycles, and a lot of what is written are men applying their steroid experience to a female. Well it does not apply. Anyways a while back my wife was debating a test...
  2. Dago

    6 weeks into pct

    I've lost a total of 6 1/2 lbs not bad considering how much I gained. I can def tell I'm off but suprised at how I have held on to. Was on over 6 months test prop tren ace to start then switched to test-e tren- and tbol. Started out on sarcs gear up til the longer ester stuff which was CM from...