
  1. kingofthenorth907

    End of domestic gear?

    I copied this post from another private forum I am on. This was posted a couple days ago. The thread started by a member getting his adex seized by USPS and receiving a strange letter on his door. "U.S. Postal Inspection Service’s Contraband Interdiction and Investigation Group received fresh...
  2. J

    Security, must read for vendors and members.

    Hey guys over the years I’ve learned and been told by people in the industry (LE, Intel, and Postal) things we can do (vendors and customers) to stay safer. I cannot stress this enough this fro people in the industry (LE, Intel, and Postal). My contacts in the Intel community have told me...
  3. S

    Postal problems anyone?

    Ive been waiting on an international letter for quite some time. It hit ISC NY on 3/12 and hasn't updated since. Anyone else having trouble like this? Any idea what's up? Thanks guys
  4. J

    Postal Package Profiling: Watch Out!!

    OP= beanlicker figured this was another of the sort of article deserving to be spread anywhere applicable. Source: FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin via Findarticles Most Americans use the U.S. Postal Service nearly every day. Whether to send bills to clients, advertise for new customers, or...
  5. E

    Postal inspectors bust domestic online steroids source.

    Postal inspectors bust domestic online steroids source. Source: Postal inspectors bust domestic online steroids source.