
  1. 01dragonslayer

    5 Astonishing Health Benefits of Niacinamide Backed by Science

    by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN Niacinamide has become quite a hot topic in the skincare world, as there have been many viral TikTok videos popping up. Niacinamide is available in products such as moisturizers and cleansers and can improve your skin health in more ways than one. According to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Training Intensity in Cycles

    Nobody can perform at the peak levels 100% of the time. If you believe you are doing so, the reality is that you're probably delivering at 80% of your potential all of the time. It's impossible to maintain top focus, performance, and delivery in anything you do, every single day. You get tired...
  3. E

    UC Berkeley biologists discover potential target for unisex contraceptives

    UC Berkeley biologists discover potential target for unisex contraceptives UC Berkeley biologists have discovered the switch that triggers the power kick sperm use to penetrate and fertilize a human egg, uncovering a possible source of male infertility but also a potential target for...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    USADA Provisionally Suspends Gleison Tibau After Potential Violation

    USADA Provisionally Suspends Gleison Tibau After Potential Violation By Andy Ravens -Dec 4, 2015 The UFC announced on Friday that Gleison Tibau has been “provisionally suspended” due to a potential failed out-of-competition drug test by USADA. That test comes from his last fight, which was...
  5. E

    Tocilizumab drug offers potential treatment for patients with polymyalgia rheumatics

    Tocilizumab drug offers potential treatment for patients with polymyalgia rheumatics A drug approved to treat rheumatoid arthritis, tocilizumab (Actemra, Genentech), is a potential new therapy for patients with polymyalgia rheumatica, according to an open-label, phase II study presented at the...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    USDA pushing nanotechnology in food supply by giving $3.8 million in grants

    USDA pushing nanotechnology in food supply by giving $3.8 million in grants to promote development Cassius Methyl and Nick Bernabe Activist Post Sat, 16 May 2015 The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is giving millions of dollars to universities across America for the development and study...
  7. E

    Cardiff scientists identify potential root cause of asthma and highlight new treatment option

    Cardiff scientists identify potential root cause of asthma and highlight new treatment option Cardiff University scientists have for the first time identified the potential root cause of asthma and an existing drug that offers a new treatment. Source: Cardiff scientists identify potential root...
  8. H

    Dave Tate on human potential.

    This is for you noobs thinking about taking aas. http://youtu.be/R7WUHVA9lqE