We all know how healthy it is for us to walk. With fitness trackers gaining more popularity, a new study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that we may be burning more calories than we think.
Over at the Southern Methodist University, researchers looked closely at the most...
It's that time of the week again. Some of us fear this day, while others welcome it with open arms.
That's right I'm talking about leg day. Cue the scary dramatic music!
Leg days are usually the most difficult, demanding, and often times longest workout of the week. But you're in a conundrum...
Can You Meet These Functional Strength Standards?
A one-rep max on the bench press only measures a fraction of your real strength. Can you pass this more complete list of tests?
How Strong Are You?
Sure, you test your one-rep maxes on the bench press, squat, and deadlift, but those numbers are...
I've been in the mood for meat lately. Normally I don't eat much of it. But today making a 4+ pound meat loaf. 2 pounds beef, 1 pound hot pork sausage 1 pound lean turkey. Bulking time?
Old-school gym lore suggested that each pound of muscle burned 50 calories per day. The more common figure you’ll hear from sciency folks is 6 calories. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Arecent discussion with Shane Duquette in the MASS Facebook group 1 prompted me to consider something I...
You don't have to stay ripped year around, but you absolutely can stay lean and pack on quality muscle by doing the following:
Shoot for 1 to 1.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Don't piss me off by asking if that's "grams per pound of lean body mass." No. It's grams per pound of...
Many of the things I have to say about nutrition and fitness are unconventional. They fly in the face of long-standing traditions. They diverge from what most people think of as common knowledge. But much of what passes for conventional wisdom is nothing more than bro-science. There just isn't a...
Achieving low body fat levels takes hard work and discipline, but having an understanding on how to manage carbohydrate intake helps facilitate the process.
The number of strategies to burn stubborn body fat stem far and wide. All kinds of fat loss workout plans, programs and the latest...
Everyone knows you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time, right? Learn how to maximize carbohydrate intake so you have a chance at adding mass while leaning out.
Brad Borland is a strength & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor and the founder of WorkoutLab.
Are you tired of...
Everyone has made these dieting mistakes at least once. Catch them before they keep you from maximizing your muscle and strength gains!
Keeping hard-earned muscle on your frame is tough enough, but the process of building new muscle takes your efforts to a whole new level. Your training can be...
The Protein-to-Bodyweight Ratio
Simple and proven. Here's how much protein to eat.
Up The Protein
The old rule of thumb about consuming one gram of protein per pound of body weight is sound advice.
Sure, studies have shown you could cut that number down to as little as 0.82 grams per pound or...
If you are like any other bodybuilder on the planet you fight for every ounce of hard-earned muscle each and every day you enter the gym. Your diet is on point, your workouts are consistent and your rest and supplement regimen is perfect. Somewhere on the road to your ultimate physique you may...
One of the most common sayings in nutrition and fitness is: “calories in, calories out.” That means if you want to lose or maintain weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you expend.
That simple strategy tends to result in weight loss for many people, especially if there’s a large cut...
One of the most common sayings in nutrition and fitness is: “calories in, calories out.” That means if you want to lose or maintain weight, you need to take in fewer calories than you expend.
That simple strategy tends to result in weight loss for many people, especially if there’s a large cut...
“Muscle weighs more than fat” is a common phrase you’ll often hear at the gym or from well-meaning friends. The conventional wisdom being that, if your clothes fit better but you haven’t lost any weight, it’s because you’ve been shedding fat and gaining muscle. That said, it’s a misleading...
When Frank Zane won his Mr. Olympia titles, there were weight divisions in pro bodybuilding for men. In the 1980s and 1990s, when Shawn Ray was at his peak, there were none. As muscular as he was, Shawn was not a big man so he had to compete against heavyweights like Lee Haney. So, he won the...
You’re never going to look the way you want if your diet isn’t in check. That’s just a fact, and the first step to mastering your nutrition is to figure out how many calories to eat. Then, you can start figuring out how much of each macronutrient (protein, carbs, and fats) to consume.
You know...
4 Big Protein Mysteries Finally Solved
Answers To All Your Protein Questions
by TC Luoma | 04/10/20
Protein is always a hot topic in weight lifting and bodybuilding, but most of the articles or discussions about it center solely on how much to ingest.
Rarely, if ever, have I seen an article...
4 Big Protein Mysteries Finally Solved
Answers To All Your Protein Questions
by TC Luoma | 04/10/20
Protein is always a hot topic in weight lifting and bodybuilding, but most of the articles or discussions about it center solely on how much to ingest.
Rarely, if ever, have I seen an article...
Chris Nicoll / M+F Magazine
“It wasn’t the outcome I was hoping for,” Henri-Pierre Ano admits, after reflecting on his 14th-place finish in 2019’s Olympia Classic Physique.
Ano, 38, had plenty of reasons for disappointment. The Canadian stepped onstage with high hopes of improving on his 2018...