
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Short-Term HCG Protocol to Restore Sex-Hormone Balance to Libido-Favorable Ranges

    Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in Short & High-Dose Blasts is probably the Easiest and Most-Effective way to Restore Libido when Hormone Balance is off. HCG mimics Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and signals the Testes to start producing Testosterone, Estrogen & Semen again, while the Adrenal...
  2. krustus

    fill holes in TRT protocol with BPS Dermacrine

    if yoiu have been on TRT for a while... you will certainly be shut down... and the testes are a large producer of pregnenolone ... so i've been using dermacrine from BPS to supply the basic building block hormones... so far a great addition to my TRT protocol. better sex drive and mood...
  3. RockShawn

    Why HCG is important ON Cycle

    Hcg increases your levels of pregnenolone. Below is an excerpt about the importance of pregnenolone. ********************************** Pregnenolone - Master Hormone for Women ...and Men! "Of all the hormones in the body, the precursor hormone, pregnenolone, may be the most important for...