If your push-day workouts feel stale, it’s time to shake things up. Standard barbell presses and machine work can build muscle, but repeating the same movements weekly leads to plateaus and gaps in strength development. To maximize chest, shoulder, and triceps gains, you need variety—fresh...
How to build High-Performance Mass
Building muscle size, strength, and explosive power – as a single strategy – produces the absolute best gains, period! Here's how.
I have to admit that when I’m out in public I think of myself as looking powerful, like a bodybuilder. But on the other hand, I...
A cue is just a short prompt or phrase that quickly reminds you of good exercise form. If you're not thinking about following the right cues when lifting, you might not be getting the most out of your training. Here are 13 of the most bang-for-your-buck technical cues.
1 ▶️...
The strict barbell overhead press is the gold standard for pressing. The bench press is excellent and gets a lot of attention, but you are stronger in the horizontal plane and have the bench’s stability helping. With the overhead press, it’s two hands on the barbell and two feet on the ground...
We've all heard the warnings about it. They say lifters have gotten their necks crushed by barbells which have slipped right out of their hands during the bench press. Maybe this is why the thumbless or false grip is also known as the "suicide" grip.
But in spite of the risks, many of the...
Let's face it, building a nice set of pecs is just about every gym-goers first priority. There's a reason so many people envy the strongest bench presser in the gym, but what if it could be you who was the strongest? What’s holding you back?
Unfortunately, many people have no clue how to...
Have you ever taken the time to understand bench press form and setup? Boost your bench numbers now, and pack on some serious chest and tricep mass!
Let’s do an experiment. I'm sure you’ll figure out how it ends.
Take a buddy to the gym today. But don’t say a word about the workout. Let him slip...
They say a good craftsman should never blame his tools. Weightlifters and strength sports athletes know all too well that working with quality barbells and other equipment is a must. Having the proper tools of the trade can be the difference between another average workout and achieving great...
When it comes to working out there are very few exercises that are more popular than the barbell bench press. It is a staple when it comes to building a strong upper body and a massive chest. Here are 10 ways to improve your pressing power.
Some of these tips will allow for an instant increase...
Here’s a question from a reader…
First off, drop heavy overhead pressing for good. It’s absolutely worthless other than ego lifting.
The overhead press is the most dangerous thing for rotator cuff and A/C joint because over time the cartilage in the joint wears down and it becomes bone on...
What to Do About Shoulder and Joint Pain
April 30, 2015 By John Doe
Here’s a question from a reader…
What do you recommend for joint pain especially rotator cuff and elbows due to overhead movements and bench presses? This is annoying especially since I am an active guy. Thank you...