
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Finding the Right Gym

    Maybe you just moved to a new city, or are moving to one soon. Or maybe you aren’t going anywhere; you’re just not happy with the gym where you’re training right now and feel it’s time for a change. So where should you go—and how will you find the right gym for you? Social-media referrals. In...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    NO GAINS? DROP THE FLUFF If you're not happy with your progress in the gym and your motivation is lagging, don't add more to your workout plan. Instead, simplify. Take a look at how you've been training the last couple of months. There's a chance you've been overdoing it, either by having done...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    NOVEL, UNEXPECTED TRAINING THREATS If you've ever watched a legit CrossFit workout, you might have noticed that it's a bit different from what you're used to doing. You probably never do more than 5 reps on deadlifts, or 2-3 reps per set if you're doing Olympic lifts. As everyone knows, "low...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    15 Health Supplements Men Need, 8 They Can Skip

    Take This, Forget About That Health Supplements: What to Take, What You Can Probably Skip When America wants nutrition advice, they generally defer to medical doctors. Why that is, I don’t know. Most medical schools only spend about 15 minutes teaching nutrition. As such, I’m always skeptical...
  5. R2D2

    Going back to a Fullbody

    Let me know how it looks: A: Quads (probably back squats, depending on availability) Chest Reverse flys Rows *Side laterals/front raises/face pulls (1, 2, or all of these) Biceps Core *Battle ropes/Climbing ropes (optional) B: Lower...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How To Meet Women At The Gym

    Want to make a connection and not come off as a creeper? You'll need some guidelines written by a woman. Here they are. A lot of lifters say the gym isn't the place to meet people. But if you're single, wouldn't you want to find someone with your shared interests and healthier lifestyle? The...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Understanding Blood Work A-Z

    Found this on another site.....great info..... You all should want to know how to read and understand your blood work: I’m going to venture a guess about what happens when you, a weight lifter, goes to the doctor to get a physical. I’m betting that you almost always get a follow-up call from...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Why Vacationing Can Help Your Weight-Loss Journey

    Vacation is supposed to be fun and relaxing, but it can be easy to feel stressed if you’re just getting started with a new exercise and weight-loss plan. If you’re away from home, you’re probably going out to eat more, trying more unfamiliar foods and experiencing uncertainty about having time...
  9. blasson

    Local bust.. I live literally 15 min from this dudes house. Works out at my gym (I don't know him personally just seen him there multiple times).. sure hope he doesn't get the book thrown at him. Small timing it too it looks like...
  10. Dago


    I am rarely on Facebook at all mostly just friends from school pics of kids pets nothing much. Last night I tried logging in and had to reset my password and boom somehow im logged into some chicks page from Alabama. My account cannot be accessed still and tried twice more to get in still...
  11. RS50

    UFC 168: Weidman vs. Silva 2

    UFC 168: Weidman vs. Silva 2 I think Weidman will take it again, he was winning the last fight by rounds anyway before he KO Silva.
  12. tkasch30

    heating cloudt t400?

    i have some test 400 that is a cloudy. normally i would toss it but this stuff is reeeaaally potent stuff, i love it! can i put vial on pan, vent stopper and warm and shake it until it clears up? is it still safe to use? ive heard of this being done alot
  13. back4more

    hitting veins?

    Alright heres my issue, I've been on for years now always on blast and cruise for the first few years id hardly ever hit a vein but here recently I've been hitting veins almost every time I pin. Im using the same spots ive always used and for some reason I just started to get blood in pin about...
  14. S


    Bought it in Afghanistan about 2.5 years ago. Still use it almost every day. Probably the best thing you can own to get in a workout with no gym, or no time for the gym. Worth every penny. Also supports our troops.