How Moderation Can Make You Fat and Miserable
Many fitness influencers say you NEED to eat junk food in moderation. Really, that's the trend. Are they right? Not really. Here's why.
It’s become weirdly trendy for fitness influencers to promote junk food. Some even go so far as saying that you...
Ultra-high processed foods may be convenient, but they are crushing your gains and heading you towards osteoarthritis, according to a new study presented by the Radiological Society of North America. Here’s what you need to know.
The first-of-its-kind body imaging study, designed to find out...
Although you may not be a regular at your local fast-food joint, you might be unintentionally consuming similar ingredients. Shockingly, “Over 70% of the products in grocery stores are ultra-processed foods,” shares Julie Ruelle, RDN, LDN, and GoCoCo registered dietitian. “They are everywhere...
Nutrition writer Michael Pollan has famously written, "Don't eat anything your great-great-great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food." That's a pretty good way to think about processed foods.
Clearly, your great-great-great mee-maw would take one whiff of...
by Perri O. Blumberg
“You are what you eat” isn’t just catchy; it’s true. Indeed, a large body of research links what we eat with our health. From our cardiovascular to our mood, the food we consume impacts us in countless ways—including our immunity.
“Nutrition is an important way to build your...
Instead of simply trying to diet and lose fat, it's time to adopt some lifestyle changes. These tips will help you to stay lean and healthy year round.
Hit a plateau with your fat loss? The following 10 tips may be just what you need.
Let's face it: fat loss isn't easy. Some studies indicate...
It seems like an easy choice: If you want to perform well, grab some sport food to fuel your training. Sport foods are bars, drinks, meals and gels specifically designed and packaged to provide energy and nutrients to a working body. Unfortunately, there are many foods on the market that simply...
Snacking can be a simple and effective way to promote weight loss and muscle growth — if done smartly. Unlike processed options (found in many vending machines), a healthy whole foods-based snack helps regulate blood sugar, sustains your metabolism, elevates mood and provides important...
When trying to eat healthier, one common strategy is opting for more nutritious versions of foods you already eat. For example, you might choose whole-grain bread in lieu of traditional white, or swap sweetened yogurt for plain protein-rich Greek yogurt topped with fruit. And since sugar and...
Fiber deservedly gets a lot of attention from nutritionists — “it’s important for everything from regulating digestion to controlling blood sugar and reducing cholesterol levels,” says Claire Virga, RD. “It also feeds the healthy bacteria in our guts, promoting a healthy microbiome.”
It’s no shocker when new studies surface about potential health risks associated with eating processed meat. After all, the link between processed meats and diseases such as cancer has made headlines for years.
If you find yourself asking, “What is processed meat and what makes it so...
Hall and his colleagues had 20 healthy weight subjects eat exclusively ultra processed foods foods for two weeks, and on another occasion gave the same subjects only foods that had not been processed intensively.
Ultra processed foods are ready-to-eat or almost ready-to-eat foods. They...
ESB Professional / Shutterstock
If there's one thing the past year has taught us, it's that people love to argue about meat. There have been documentaries and social media crusades claiming it's good, it's bad, and everything in between—all citing studies that come to various conclusions. We've...
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Russell Hart / D. Sharon Pruitt Pink Sherbet Photography
There's some bad...