
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Law of Sustainable Progression

    Charles Staley, Bodybuilding, Strength Training, 1 As my colleague Will Brink likes to say, “From Mentzer’s ‘one set to failure’ to Poliquin’s ‘German volume training,’ there is no program which recommends using progressively lighter weightloads from week to week.” Brink is of course, alluding...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How To Increase Strength: Ultimate Guide To Getting Big And Strong Part 6

    Structuring a Workout When structuring a strength building workout it is best to throw aside the muscle building notion of training bodyparts. While you will be placing some focus on strengthening important bodyparts, in general strength training focuses on training movements and not bodyparts...
  3. Akhusker

    My progression!

    Here are a few pictures of my changes over time. The first picture is me before gear, all natural! 190lbs during my basic training and AIT with the army. Second picture is 8 weeks into my first cycle, test E 250 every 3.5 days, some of you know I broke my wrist in a motorcycle accident just...
  4. GetnBig


    Since a lot of you don't know me I thought I would share a couple of photo's from where I started a couple of years ago and one from this past July [attachment deleted by admin]