
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Understand PIP and what to do to reduce it

    Some people think PIP is not good , but is a great sign your gear is good and strong ( even pharma grade Testoviron from Bayer in my local pharmacy give a huge PIP) What causes (non infection related) injection pain? first the shorter the ester, the higher the melting point second, the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    PIP (Post Injection Pain)

    What Causes (Non-Infectious) Injection Pain? The Shorter The Ester, The Higher The Melting Point The Concentration Of The Gear The Solvents Used Injecting Too Quickly Virgin Muscle The Shorter The Ester, The Higher The Melting Point One thing that can cause pain is when the oil/solvents are...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Benefits of Boldenone Propionate When Compared to Other Short-Acting Steroid Esters

    Question: “I ‘m interested in boldenone propionate. What advantages could it give me compared to other short acting esters? I don’t want to use trenbolone acetate again, as at even 50 mg/day I’m really a bastard to my girlfriend, even more so than usual. More importantly, I don’t sleep well. And...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Way to Cycle Sustanon

    The Best Way to Cycle Sustanon The Steroid Guru Sustanon has been a mainstay in most bodybuilder’s lives since the very beginning of their steroid use. It’s as ubiquitous as Deca or Dbol, but is it a drug that really should be used? And if ou’re going to use it have you been going about it...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Injection pain: Why it happens / How to prevent it / How to cure it

    Injection pain: Why it happens / How to prevent it / How to cure it By one8nine First we'll talk about esters: Ester – An ester is a chemical modification were a alkyl group or groups are added to increase circulating time of a steroid compound, which controls the release of the hormone into...
  6. Swampjuice

    Masteron Enanthate/Masteron Propionate Blend????

    So what is your guys opinion on having a Masteron blend of e and p esters??? Similar to the test blend called sust but just with Masteron. I always think outside of the box...............