
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate Guide to Face Pulls: How, When & Why to Perform Them

    When it comes to posture, upper back strength, and completing the rounded caps of the deltoid, the face pull is the exercise for you. Read on to learn more. When it comes to posture, upper back strength, and completing the rounded “cap” of the deltoid, you can’t get any better than the face...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Capped Delts, Healthy Joints: A Complete Workout

    Healthy Shoulders Grow Faster Adopt this workout structure today. Not only will your delts grow faster, but you’ll also reduce the wear and tear on your joints. Here are five things to start doing, plus a full workout plan. 1. Train Your Rear Delts First Don’t be one of those people with a...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    How To Use Clean Pull Variations In Your Workouts

    Clean pulls are great for improving performance and packing on a ton of muscle. When people think of weightlifting movements, they usually thinking of the clean, jerk, and snatch. We always hear of the benefits of training with these exercises, but let’s be honest - many of you will not become...
  4. BrotherIron

    Slow deadlifts... super slow

    I watched a vid from Mark Bell where he talked about performing slow conventional deadlifts. He would use a tempo of 4 sec up - 2 sec hold - 4 sec to lower the bar. Mark claims this training method helped him hit an all time PR pull of 705. I wanted to ask and see if anyone has tried these...
  5. Boltbreaker

    ***Best Excercises to Target Lower Back***

    Ok, so I am at the point where I am trying to fill in weak points after running a pretty hefty Mass Cycle. One area I need to hammer down on is my Lower Back. What are some of the best exercises to Rip up that area. This is honestly one area I just do not target and never have come to think of...