Joe DeFranco has been training elite athletes from NFL players to WWE bone-benders for 20 years, but here’s a challenge that any legend in their own lunchtime can try. “Who has tried the Sally pushup challenge?” asked the coach in a recent social media post. “Can you complete without stopping?”...
The classic pushup will never go out of style, but it can get dull, especially for those able to knock out a few sets of 20 or more reps with relative ease. However, many excellent variations exist, including the one with the coolest exercise name ever, the TRX Atomic Pushup. This isn’t just...
The standard pushup is a body-weight classic exercise that never goes out of style. But like most classics, the occasional update doesn’t go astray. The Spiderman Push Up is the answer if you want to spice up the pushup. This exercise is more than just a cool name—it’s for anyone looking to...
Bodyweight pushups must be the most primitive and basically far-reaching exercises in existence in the world of fitness. “Drop and give me 20” is one of the most hackneyed statements used by people who think they’re being coy with in-shape acquaintances.
The truth is, there are plenty of...
The pushup is a strength training staple renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness. But what if you could simultaneously elevate the traditional pushup to target more muscle while improving your strength and mobility? Enter the yoga pushup, an exercise that combines the conventional pushup...
Why would anyone want to do a pushup challenge in which you wind up “flying” in midair? Great question. We all have a “wild” streak in us, and for me, on of my biggest obsessions has been pushing myself harder physically. I’d imagine many of you reading this can probably relate, am I right?
Who doesn’t love a good chest and triceps workout? We all do, but this one’s a little bit different. It was programmed by Chris Kellum, a certified personal trainer and member of the Florida Army National Guard. Because he needs to be prepared for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), hitting the...
Although you may be capable of doing numerous impressive acrobatic style movements in the weight room, I’m willing to bet that the first exercise you ever attempted was a pushup.
While simple in its set up and execution, the exercise works over half of the muscles in your upper body.
The push...
When we asked the folks at TRX to show us the most badass exercise that could be done with one of their legendary suspension trainers. They overdelivered.
You can call it a single exercise if you want, but it’s really a combination of four foundational moves: a pushup, plank, lunge, and jump...
Often, the simplest exercises seem the hardest. Calisthenic movements like the pushup and pullup are notoriously difficult, even for many people who can throw around a barbell like no one’s business. There’s just something about moving one’s own bodyweight that gets real tricky.
That said, if...
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Marius Bugge
A pushup on a suspended band instead of on the...
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South_agency / Getty
What It Is:
The #HourPushUpChallenge is an...