
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Weight Fluctuations Are Infuriating: Here’s Why They Happen

    By: Matt Weik Have you ever jumped on the scale and the number on the screen just about made your head explode? You look down and wonder how the heck you've gained weight after you've worked so hard all week to burn off stubborn body fat and lose weight. Weight fluctuations are enough to make...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Is Metabolic Damage the Reason You’re Not Losing Weight?

    by Matt Weik The question on everybody’s minds these days is, “Why am I gaining weight?” There are several reasons for this to happen, however, most people simply find an excuse such as they don’t have time to exercise, they’ve been too busy to fit in a workout, or the fallacy that they’re just...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    13 Other Reasons You’re Not Burning Fat

    Inflammation and glycemic variability are undoubtedly two of the most significant contributors to unwanted body fat, and controlling them with the above strategies is one of the quickest ways to lose weight. Now, you’re going to learn 13 more reasons your body isn't burning fat as efficiently...