
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Building the Ideal Body: Steve Reeves Inspired Workout Program

    Develop the ideal physique using the same principles as the pioneer of bodybuilding. This 12 week Steve Reeves inspired workout will help you build muscle! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Full Body Training Level Intermediate Program Duration12 weeks Days Per Week 3 Time Per...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How Big Can You Get Naturally?

    A lot of guys want to know how big someone could get naturally, that is without taking steroids OR pro hormones! Before I talk about how big you can naturally get, I’m going to talk about the size of MOST GUYS who use steroids. This will give you a more realistic reference point. I have been...
  3. EG News

    Everything You Need to Know About 'Matrix 4'

    Snap Stills / Shutterstock Keanu Reeves is stepping back into The Matrix. With the film celebrating its 20-year anniversary, Warner Bros. has announced that a fourth Matrix film, tentatively titled Matrix 4, is going into production with Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss reprising their roles, while...
  4. EG News

    15-year-old mahailya reeves just benched 360 pounds

    If you go to the gym, you probably know at least one guy who manages to brag about his bench press prowess in nearly every conversation he has. Thanks to Mahailya Reeves, you can go ahead and inform him that 15-year-old girls go harder than he does in the gym. Reeves, a high school freshman and...
  5. EG News

    Challenge your traps and forearms with the reeves deadlift

    Per Bernal Named after 1947 Mr. America and 1950 Mr. Universe winner Steve Reeves, the Reeves deadlift has you grip the plates instead of a barbell. This challenges your traps and forearms and provides more range
 of motion in your hips and knees compared with a standard deadlift. Using light...