
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Does anyone else expirence reflux when cycling orals? I have been running some Tbol and been getting some bad reflux throughout the day. Do you guys think it's the actual hormone causing it or fillers that may be used?
  2. GRIM

    Heart burn!

    Hadn't had it in a long time but its back with a vengence! What you bros find helps the best?
  3. ironlifter1

    horrible acid reflux

    Is tren known to cause that? Hris is my 4 or 5th blast on tren and rhe heartburn and acid reflux are so bad I think I'll swrch to deca....any thoughts?
  4. millenium girl

    Acid reflux

    I have bad acid reflux today. It is probably caused by stress. all I have here is 2 Pantomed pills. I hope they will work. Does anybody here have acid reflux? If so what do you take?
  5. F.I.S.T.

    5 Ways to Combat Heartburn Without Pharmaceuticals

    5 Ways to Combat Heartburn Without Pharmaceuticals Posted on: Tuesday, October 20th 2015 Written By: Dr. Jack Wolfson Did you know that pharmaceuticals used to treat heartburn actually increase gastrointestinal problems? Fortunately, there are natural ways to fight off acid reflux. Do you...