
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Safest Chest Press

    THE DUMBBELL FLOOR PRESS This is a staple exercise for many lifters. The floor press is simply bench pressing lying on the floor. This will reduce the range of motion compared to the regular bench press because the elbows stop when they hit the floor. You could argue that this might be a more...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    Think of this as a hybrid exercise since it combines the movement pattern of a trap bar deadlift with the unilateral bias of a single-leg deadlift (SLDLs). The only thing separating it from the latter is that the non-working leg is on the ground. SPLIT-STANCE TRAP BAR DEADLIFT The small...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Mechanical Drop Sets - Break Into New Strength And Size Territory

    We all know what drop sets are, but do you know what a mechanical drop set is? Find out how to use this technique to build both muscle and strength. Everybody on this site has heard of drop sets, I assume. If not, better break out that copy the "Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" by a certain...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Which Is the Lesser of Two Evils: Diet or Regular Soda?

    Every now and then a regular or diet soda can be an enjoyable part of a well-balanced diet that doesn’t put anything off limits. But regular soda often gets a bad rap for its added sugar content, while diet soda has health risks due to artificial sugars, so it can be confusing to decide between...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Is Light Beer the Diet Soda Equivalent?

    If you’re watching your weight and perusing the beer aisle, it’s tempting to buy a six-pack of light beer as a less-unhealthy option compared to regular, full-flavor beer. Research shows the soda equivalent, diet soda, may come with its own health costs — artificially-sweetened drinks have been...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Is Light Beer the Diet Soda Equivalent?

    If you’re watching your weight and perusing the beer aisle, it’s tempting to buy a six-pack of light beer as a less-unhealthy option compared to regular, full-flavor beer. Research shows the soda equivalent, diet soda, may come with its own health costs — artificially-sweetened drinks have been...
  7. BrotherIron

    You want to squat big than box squat....

    Box squatting is the most effective method to produce a first-rate squat. In my opinion, box squatting is the safest way to squat b/c you don't use as much weight as you would with a regular squat. First off let me dispel the myth that Box Squats will hurt your spine, NO they won't. You don't...

    PEG-MGF (PEGylated Mechano Growth Factor)

    What is PEG-MGF or PEGylated mechano growth factor? MGF is a splice variant of the IGF gene which increases stem cell count in the muscle and allows for muscle fibers to fuse and mature. This is a process required for growth of adult muscle. Natural MGF is made locally and does not travel into...